Coffee review

How to open a successful coffee shop the cost of opening a coffee shop

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Step / method Coffee Shop lesson 1: positioning determines the positioning of a coffee shop is the first step to a successful coffee shop. The management orientation of the coffee shop determines the capital, personnel, menu, location, and even the design and decoration of the store; we must first determine the management direction, and then plan other details. But many shop owners, on the contrary, often decide on the design and decoration and the choice of location before thinking about it.


Steps / methods

Coffee shop lesson 1: positioning

Determining the positioning of a coffee shop is the first step in opening a successful coffee shop.

The management orientation of the coffee shop determines the capital, personnel, menu, location, and even the design and decoration of the store; we must first determine the management direction, and then plan other details. But many shop owners are just the opposite, often decide to design decoration and location choice first, and then consider what type of coffee shop to open.

Coffee shop lesson 2: financial planning

When you open a shop, you have to be careful with your abacus.

The software and hardware required for a cafe are as follows: 1. Menu (menu, including coffee, pastries and light meals) 2. Money-generating equipment (coffee maker, oven, microwave oven, gas stove, smoothie machine, refrigerator, freezer, etc.) 3. Hardware equipment (air conditioning, lighting, etc.) 4. Vessel 5. Design and decoration (bar design, cafe style and tone, table and chair furniture, etc.).

Of these five elements, the menu is the most basic, which will determine which money-generating equipment and hardware equipment need to be purchased, and will also affect the bar design. If you only want to open a "coffee + pastry" cafe at first, the bar design is relatively simple, but if you find that this alone is unable to maintain operation, and when you want to add smoothies, you will find that the bar may not have room for a smoothie machine; if you want to add more light meals and do not plan the kitchen at the beginning, the problem will be even bigger, and you even need to redesign the decoration, which is another big expense. Therefore, at the beginning of starting a business, it is necessary to think clearly about the selling program of the cafe.

Coffee shop lesson 3: major

If the technology is not in place, everything is out of the question.

Since it is a coffee shop, the quality of coffee beans and the technology of brewing coffee are the key to determining the return rate of customers. Chinese people like the new and hate the old quickly, and the decoration of a store may be out of date in three years' time. If you only want to win with the decoration atmosphere, the media effect may bring people at first, but after that, what can a bad cafe rely on?

It is suggested that since we are willing to open a coffee shop, it is best for the entrepreneur to take charge of the bar at the initial stage of opening the shop, and it is sufficient to hire 2 or 3 full-time or part-time students in the outfield to cope with the daily operation of the cafe, which can save personnel costs and make coffee by hand. it can also avoid the situation of different quality of coffee caused by the lack of manpower in the event that the bar staff leaves.

Coffee shop lesson 4: location

You don't have to cling to prime locations.

Many people believe that the key to the success of opening a store is [location,location,location]. As long as you open a store in a prime location, you are sure to win. In fact, this sentence is only half true.

"crowds" is not necessarily equal to "money flows". It is recommended that entrepreneurs spend at least a week observing the nature of local crowds and consumption patterns when choosing a location. Centering on the scheduled location of the store, investigate how many competitors (including chain or single-store cafes, fast food restaurants, and bubbly black tea shops) are within 500 meters around, and record the number of competitors who enter the store every day and their estimated turnover. At the same time, evaluate how much cake you can share or make bigger if you enter the war.

Coffee shop lesson 5: cost control

How much is a cup of coffee? Of course, you can't lose money when opening a shop. But many people only know how much a cup of coffee costs, but do not know how much a cup of coffee costs.

It usually takes 15 to 20 grams of beans to make a cup of coffee, and 25 to 30 cups of coffee to make a pound of coffee. The cost of cream (or milk) and sugar for a cup of coffee is about 1 yuan, as well as paper cups, tissue paper, mixing sticks and other materials. In this way, the raw material cost of a cup of coffee is roughly between 2 yuan and 4 yuan. In addition, don't forget to add the cost of rent, water, electricity, personnel and equipment depreciation, plus a certain percentage of the profit is the price of a cup of coffee.

Many shopkeepers do not know how to set the price, depending on how much the competitors order, they also draw the gourd themselves. However, this practice of laziness is very dangerous. Later, when we find that we cannot make ends meet and do not dare to raise prices, we have no choice but to switch to cheaper coffee beans. This is the beginning of the vicious circle. This is the beginning of preparing to close the shop.

Coffee shop lesson 6: customer training

A long stream of water builds a reputation.

Opening a coffee shop is like chasing a girlfriend. It takes time to brew. Opening a coffee shop is a slow-flowing business, which is usually in the stage of burning money in the first three months. many people hope to make a name for themselves through various marketing and advertising activities before opening the shop, which is not a wise decision. because the opening day may be because of the performance of the coffee machine and customer service process is not familiar with, there will be snub and cause customers to complain too much.

"on the first day, as long as you have two or three kittens, you can gradually familiarize yourself with various skills and work flows. as long as one is not a dumb cat, you will gradually have a reputation." since the estimated flow of people at the beginning will not be too high, it is necessary to rely on lower operating costs (of which lower rent is the most important) in exchange for time to train customers.


Points for attention

To open a coffee shop, you can not only realize your entrepreneurial dream, but also meet some like-minded friends. However, be sure to ask yourself three questions: is the rent in the store reasonable? Is the capital for starting a business mostly self-owned? Is it your lifelong interest to open a coffee shop? If the answer to all three questions is "Yes!" Then owning your own Fantasy Cafe will no longer be a distant dream.