Coffee review

Boutique Coffee Manor introduction: a detailed introduction of coffee beans in El Salvador coffee producing areas

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Salvadoran coffee ranks side by side with Mexico and Guatemala as the producers of Asa and Merdo, and is fighting for the top one or two places in China and the United States with other countries. The highlands of origin are large coffee beans of all sizes, which are fragrant and mild in taste. Like Guatemala and Costa Rica, coffee in El Salvador is graded according to altitude, and the higher the altitude, the better the coffee

Salvadoran coffee ranks side by side with Mexico and Guatemala as the producers of Asa and Merdo, and is fighting for the top one or two places in China and the United States with other countries. The highlands of origin are large coffee beans of all sizes, which are fragrant and mild in taste. Like Guatemala and Costa Rica, coffee in El Salvador is graded according to altitude. The higher the altitude, the better the coffee. It is divided into three grades according to elevation: the SHB= Highlands, the HEC= Highlands, and the CS= lowlands. El Salvador is also seen in the current barista competition and professional coffee training.

El Salvador's unique high-grade variety Pacamara, Pacamara is a sudden variation of the bourbon species found by Pacas Pacas- in El Salvador and a hybrid with the giant bean Maragogype, a sudden variant of the Tibica species found in Brazil.

The interesting thing about Christmas farm coffee is that its refining method is secret, using mineral-rich hot spring water to process raw coffee beans. The farm is located in fertile volcanic soil and rich in natural hot spring water, so it is all used in raw bean processing; there are many coffee gardens in the world, but this method is rare.

A supplementary note about this hot spring: the water temperature of the source is 85 degrees. A 2-inch pipe is used to direct the water to six hot spring pools at different elevations. The temperature is 32 degrees 34 degrees at the sixth hot spring pool. Then use the cooled hot spring water to process raw coffee beans. This hot spring water keeps flowing all the year round, and the local people drink it. It has a pH of 8.02 and contains ingredients that make coffee sweet.

Source: wave Coffee College