Coffee review

December 23 international coffee futures price, southern local fresh bean purchase price and coffee workshop quotation

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, International coffee futures price Type C coffee futures the latest price is 120.6 cents / lb (about 17.183 yuan / kg), the opening price is 119.2 cents / lb (about 16.984 yuan / kg), the highest for the day is 121.4 cents / lb (17.297 yuan / kg), and the lowest is 118.2 cents / lb (about 16.841 yuan / kg).

I. International coffee futures prices on December 23, 2015

The latest price of type C coffee futures is 120.6 cents / lb (about 17.183 yuan / kg). The opening price is 119.2 cents / lb (about 16.984 yuan / kg), with a high of 121.4 cents / lb (17.297 yuan / kg). The lowest price for the day was 118.2 cents / lb (about 16.841 yuan / kg), down 1.45% from the previous day. (the quotation is provided by the New York Futures Exchange)

Second, the purchase price of local fresh beans in Yunnan on December 23, 2015:

105.86 cents per pound, about 15.083 yuan / kg (price provided by Yunnan Nestle)

Third, the circulating price of fine coffee in the market: