Coffee review

Coffee Salon | recommended map of Guangzhou boutique cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Guangzhou boutique coffee shop map Specialty Cafe Map is not so much a coffee shop, it is more like a coffee laboratory, choosing high-quality coffee raw beans that can fully express its characteristics from many coffee origin. Every coffee sample in the front street will be tested and recorded to ensure that its acidity, mellowness and fragrance are fully displayed to the guests with proper roasting.

Guangzhou Boutique Cafe Map

Specialty Cafe Map

It is more like a coffee laboratory than a coffee shop, selecting fine coffee beans from many coffee origins that can fully express their characteristics. Every coffee sample in Front Street is cup-tested and recorded to ensure that the proper roasting is used to fully express its acidity, alcohol and aroma to the guests.

Business Hours: 10:00~20:00

Address: No.10 Baoanqian Street, Yandun Road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu District

Tel: 020-38364473