Coffee review

Yunnan Coffee Manor Tour Yunnan Coffee Coffee Bean Coffee roasted Yunnan Coffee Manor Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Many people may not know that in Yunnan, China, there is coffee comparable to the Blue Mountains, and there is a coffee roaster worth nearly a million dollars in a small town by the Lujiang River. Just listen to me slowly. I'm going to make a cup of coffee first. Since last month, most of the beans in the coffee shop have been roasted at home. Among them, the amount of coffee in Yunnan has increased a lot. Former coffee suppliers in Yunnan

Many people may not know that in Yunnan, China, there is coffee comparable to the Blue Mountains, and there is a coffee roaster worth nearly a million dollars in a small town by the Lujiang River. Just listen to me slowly. I'm going to make a cup of coffee.

Since last month, most of the beans in the coffee shop have been baked at home. Among them, the amount of coffee in Yunnan has increased a lot. In the past, the bean quality of Yunnan coffee suppliers is not stable, and there is a trend of getting worse and worse. Therefore, it is urgent to change suppliers.

It just so happens that the expert in the industry-Zhongshun issued an invitation for me to visit his coffee farm. Really send charcoal in the snow, umbrellas in the rain, get up early in the morning to deliver coffee.

On the first day of 2011, I went to Lujiang Town, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province to rendezvous with Zhongshun. After more than an hour of turbulence, a group of us came to a small village on the edge of Lujiang River. There is a 700-year-old banyan tree in the village, which reminds me of the tree of life in Avatar. This fengshui is so handsome.

Families in the village take turns killing pigs from New Year's Day to the Spring Festival, so they can eat pig-killing vegetables almost every day. Pigs, you always have to pay it back when you come out to hang out. I don't like pork cuisine very much, but I found a delicious dish: ant sauerkraut. Sweet in sour, slightly spicy, very delicious. It is said that this thing can cure rheumatism, especially for men.

In addition to ant sauerkraut, there are many wild vegetables, absolutely natural green organic environmental protection, how much money can not buy. Among them, I like wild yam best, which is very sweet.

There is a coffee field in the backyard of Mr. Duan of Shian Coffee.

This is coffee beans drying in the yard. There are many people who drink coffee in the village, so there are many people who can taste the quality of the coffee. It can be said that the villagers know more about coffee than some bosses who often drink the Blue Mountains. At the very least, folks don't add N tablespoons of sugar and 1 spoon of cream every time.

There is a big tree in the coffee field, there is a tree house on the tree, and there is a group of children in the tree house. I suddenly suspected that I had been robbed of my dream, and everything was very unreal. However, there are pieces to prove it.

After dinner, we came to the largest coffee field in Asia, just by the Lujiang River.

According to Mr. Duan, the government will build irrigation canals and field roads in the fields after the Spring Festival, and the scale of investment is tens of millions of levels. Standing in the field, as a member of China's coffee industry, pride and responsibility arise spontaneously.

Back to Boss Duan's company from Tanli, Mr. Cui from Korea shared a lot of baking experience with you.

I finally met the famous magic machine Probat from Germany. Sure enough, V5. Wow.

After drinking N cups of Yunnan Blue Mountain Coffee and Yunnan Musk Coffee worth hundreds to thousands of yuan, I patted my stomach and went to sleep happily.

I was speechless all night.

The next day, we came to Zhongshun partner Fang Zong's coffee processing factory to visit and study.

When I came to the factory, the first thing I saw was a large area of dried coffee. Yunnan's winter is sunny and less rainy, dry coffee can be dried in the sun, there is no need to use a dryer. I think the taste of sun-dried beans is purer and more obvious.

In the upper bag are the freshly picked coffee fruits and the defective fruits selected in the lower bag.

Fermented beans need to be washed out of pectin. There are washed coffee beans in the sink. The so-called washed coffee gets its name from this step. Ripe beans have a large proportion and will sink to the bottom of the pool.

The photo below is the true appearance of the extremely rare blue mountain coffee in Yunnan. According to Mr. Fang, he will gradually get rid of a small number of Katim varieties in the field and certify the whole blue mountain coffee as a domestic model of this variety.

During this coffee trip, I not only saw the long-awaited coffee fruit, but also became acquainted with two colleagues in Yunnan coffee industry. Thanks to the country, thanks to Zhongshun.