Coffee review

What do you need to run a coffee shop? how to choose a coffee shop? how can I open a coffee shop?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, How to choose the location of the cafe: we usually think that a place with a large flow of people is good, but this is not the case! A large flow of people is not necessarily your guests, coffee is not a necessity in China, what these people need more is food! And the rent in places with a large flow of people is often very expensive. Cafe site selection can directly give up the busy front-line facade with a large flow of people, and go directly to the second.

How to choose the location of the cafe:

We usually think that a place with a large flow of people is fine, but this is not the case! A large flow of people is not necessarily your guests, coffee is not a necessity in China, what these people need more is food! And the rent in places with a large flow of people is often very expensive. Cafe site selection can directly give up the bustling front of the large flow of people, directly to the second or even third-line areas to find. Of course, there must be target groups in the selected area (20-40-year-old college students and white-collar workers). As long as they can easily get there, it is convenient to park nearby.

Second, the cost of the cafe:

Rent: we need to set a ceiling for the rent of our cafe, which is less than or equal to the average price of local coffee × 5 × 30. For example, if the average price of local coffee is 20 yuan, then the rent ceiling is 20 × 5 × 30,000 yuan. If the rent ceiling is 3000 yuan per month and the rent per square meter is 60 yuan per month, then the suitable area should not exceed 50 square meters.

Input: the total investment of the cafe (including transfer fee, decoration, equipment, furniture, rental deposit, rent for the first 3 months) can not exceed 2000 yuan per square meter. For example, if the area is 70 square meters, then the total investment should not exceed 140000. Take the 70-square-meter coffee shop mentioned above as an example. The total investment is controlled at 140000 yuan, combined with the rent cap principle mentioned earlier, the rent is 3000 yuan per month. If you are self-employed, you will not be considered as a worker for the time being, just rent, water and electricity, taxes, miscellaneous expenses, and so on. The monthly fixed expenditure is about 6000 yuan, and the daily operating cost is about 200 yuan. Calculated according to the coffee gross profit margin of 65%, the daily sales need to achieve 300 yuan to break even, which translates into about 17 cups of coffee (based on the average price of coffee 18 yuan per cup). Under normal circumstances, it is not difficult to sell more than 40 cups of coffee a day after half a year. (here, it is only calculated on the basis of the unit price of coffee, including West Point and groceries.), then the net profit can reach nearly 300 yuan a day, about 8000 yuan per month, a year and a half. The investment can be recovered in two years at the longest. This investment payback period is reasonable and acceptable, and it is not very difficult to achieve.

As for decoration, since the total investment has been determined, the decoration investment per square meter can be controlled at about 1200 yuan. Or take 70 square meters as an example, the decoration cost should not exceed 90,000 yuan. The decoration I am referring to here contains furniture, which is strongly recommended to be second-hand. I really can't find anything satisfactory, and don't pursue luxury, because no matter how luxurious you are, the lobby of a five-star hotel can only be luxurious.

The area of the cafe should not be too large, controlled between 20,100 square meters.

Finally, to sum up, for a small cafe of 70 square meters, the total investment is 140000 yuan, and the distribution of expenditure is roughly like this: 18000 yuan for half-year rent (usually three months, three months), 80, 000 yuan for decoration and furniture, 10, 000 yuan for books and soft equipment, and about 30, 000 yuan for equipment.

Note: the above is considered at the level of second-and third-tier cities. Price investment fluctuations in first-tier cities should rise by 30%.

1. Funds

I mentioned in another question that cafes with meals are calculated according to the size of about 25 people, excluding workers' wages, rent and decoration costs, which vary widely from city to city, and other funds need 150 to 250,000 yuan. Including cups, meals, kitchen utensils, kitchen equipment behind the bar, etc. Of course, depending on your food supply, there will be a lot of differences in this array.

2. Network

It's not necessary. But if you have relevant connections, you can naturally speed up the processing of some formalities in the process of building the store and reduce unnecessary difficulties made by some relevant departments in the operation. At the same time, if you have connections in a specific industry, you can play the role of a cafe as a platform and customize some services for this industry, which can improve your store's competitiveness and ensure revenue.

3. Experience.

If you are good at professional skills, but not very good at management, you can explore while operating, conservatively saying that you are generally likely to fail, but at best, you may use your major to do a good job in this career.

If you don't have relevant professional experience, you'd better know a lot about management so that you can hire a professional to do your job. Otherwise, there is no leeway this time, you will fail.