Coffee review

Suriname is the first country in South America to grow coffee. Norway is a major importer of coffee products.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Suriname Suriname (Surinam) is the first country in South America to grow coffee, and Norway was once a major importer of coffee products. However, the country's output is very small today, and it is mentioned here only for historical reasons. The Dutch, who settled in Suriname in 1667, introduced coffee trees from Java in the early 18th century. The first coffee trees were made by the mayor of Asmstedan.


Suriname was the first country in South America to grow coffee, and Norway was once a major importer of coffee products from Suriname. Today, however, the country produces very little and is mentioned here only for historical reasons.

The Dutch, who settled Suriname in 1667, introduced coffee trees from Java in the early 18th century. The first coffee trees were given to a Flemish pirate by the mayor of Amsterdam, a Hansback. Specifically, these coffee trees were planted in what was then Dutch Guyana, and a few years later, they were widely cultivated in neighboring French Guyana. At that time, there was a French criminal named Mourgues, who was promised amnesty and free access to France if coffee trees were introduced into French colonies, and naturally he did.