Coffee review

How about coffee made by AeroPress? Use Papua New Guinea coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In recent years, Papua New Guinea Coffee began to bring its own unique high-quality washed Arabica beans, on behalf of Oceania to enter the ranks of the world specialtycoffee. The coffee style of Papua New Guinea has the characteristics of full particles, moderate acidity and mellow taste. Papua New Guinea is an island country in Oceania. Papua means curly hair in Malay.

In recent years, Papua New Guinea Coffee began to bring its own unique high-quality washed Arabica beans, on behalf of Oceania to enter the ranks of the world specialtycoffee. The coffee style of Papua New Guinea has the characteristics of full particles, moderate acidity and mellow taste.

Papua New Guinea is an island country in Oceania. In Malay, "Papua" means "curly hair". It is said that in 1545, the explorer Retes arrived on the island and found that most of the people's hair on the island was curly, that is, the island was called "the island of curly hair", so the name was handed down. Papua New Guinea, to the east of Indonesia, has a standard island climate, located between the equator and 10 degrees south latitude, with tropical rain forest volcanic rocks and plateau topography, between 1200 and 2500 meters above sea level, making it a paradise for growing coffee.

The local yield is small, and about 85% of the total coffee is produced by the garden cultivation system of small farmers. Small farmers join local cooperatives and share their processing equipment. Coffee is Pakistan's second largest export of agricultural products, which shows the importance of coffee industry to Pakistan's economy. Because the variety of coffee is different from that of Indonesia, and the altitude is higher than Sumatra, coupled with the use of water washing treatment, the regional taste of PNG coffee is different from Indonesia's muggy and low flavor, but has bright, sweet and sour, flower and fruit aromas, similar to the flavor of South America.

Papua New Guinea has a detached and primitive natural environment and its land is vast and fertile. Its unique volcanic rock soil and abundant rainfall create excellent natural conditions for the growth of coffee. The top coffee beans in Papua New Guinea are as beautiful and precious as the country's national bird of paradise.

Large estates / farms (plantation) usually have their own washing plants, and smaller individual coffee farmers are more likely to control the quality and flavor of their output. Located in the Wiki Valley of the western plateau of Papua New Guinea near the kimel Valley, Chimere Manor, like many large farms / estates, has its own washing plant, but it is in fact an estate owned by many independent small coffee farmers of the surrounding Opais people and, in a sense, a private cooperative. Due to the excellent growth conditions and the stable quality control process of the treatment plant, the coffee produced has an active sense of brightness and retains a considerable degree of flavor uniqueness of Papua New Guinea coffee.

Another special feature is that the variety of coffee planted by Kimmel cannot even be counted with one hand: Typica, Arusha, BlueMountain, MundoNovo, Catimor, Caturra. Or even more-in fact, just as they don't put eggs in the same basket, most farmers actually grow different varieties to avoid the risk that a particular variety will fail to grow or produce less than expected.

The round beans of this Chimeier Manor will taste a little spicy, with sweet and refreshing notes of nuts and sugar cane, creamy and smooth, the round beans taste more solid and the overall performance is balanced and smooth. Rich flavor, pleasant aroma, no herbal flavor or soil flavor, its texture is as strong and mellow as a Van Gogh painting.

Whether it is used to mix Italian products or general comprehensive coffee, it can make up for the lack of sour coffee, coupled with the scarcity of things, it has been favored by more and more coffee lovers in recent years.

Recommended item [PNGWaghiValleyKimel]

Country: Papua New Guinea

Grade: grade A

Producing area: Wiki Valley

Altitude: 1500 m

Treatment: washing

Varieties: Arusha, Katimo, Kaddura

Producer: Kimmel Manor

Flavor: nuts, sucrose, low acid and solid

Deep baking water washing 69.00 138.00 nuts, sugar, low acid and sturdy nuts in Kimmel Manor, Papua New Guinea.

The charm of the Philharmonic pressure. The reason is that it is easy to make and tastes clean, and the Philharmonic pressure is a simple instrument for making coffee by hand. Overall, its structure is similar to that of a syringe. It combines the immersion quenching method of the French filter pressure pot, the filter paper filtration of the follicular coffee, and the fast, pressure quenching principle of Italian coffee. The coffee brewed by Philadelphia has the richness of espresso, the purity of brewed coffee, and the smoothness of French pressure.

The operation method and process of Philharmonic pressure:

1. Prepare utensils, love press, bean grinder, coffee cup, coffee pot.

two。 Coffee Grinding. The important thing is that the coffee is ground to medium particle size for use of quality. By grinding the coffee, this allows for a thicker, more subtle cup or even more extraction.

3. Install Philharmonic pressure. The No. 4 round bottom that contacts the black rubber part in the plunger brewing tube. When operating, the numbers should be reversed.

4. Flush and preheat the filter. Use hot water in the Philharmonic pressure filter cap to pass through the filter to wash away the residual smell of the paper.

5. Put freshly ground coffee powder, it is recommended that 17g ~ 20g or a round Philharmonic pressure spoon freshly ground coffee.

6. Water injection for the first time. Wait 45 seconds for steaming water temperature of about 83 ℃ ~ 90 ℃, start timer set to one minute, pour in 50ml or 1pm 4 cups of enough water.

7. Stir evenly for three times to make sure there are no dry spots.

8. Complete the stirring, the second water injection, so that the total level is slightly higher than 2 circles. This should be a 50ml or 1amp 4 cup will be your total water capacity 100ml or about 1max 2 cups.

9. Install and tighten the washed filter. When the alarm clock prompts for 60 seconds, gently rotate it for 10 seconds at a 45 °angle. Gently stir the coffee, using a steady, mild pressure, allowing 15 to 30 seconds to prevent air leakage.

Tips and precautions when using Aeropress:

1. Do not use too fine grinding: because the Philharmonic pressure is not an espresso machine, nor is it a mocha pot.

two。 Crema can be increased by using metal filter

The coffee spoon supplied with 3.Aeropress is about 1.5 times the size of the take-out standard Huai coffee spoon. (about 14g per square spoon)

4. If you like stronger coffee, you can use two flat spoons of coffee beans supplied with Aeropress, with hot water up to scale 4.

5. It doesn't matter if the hot water temperature can be a little higher. Anyway, although the hot water in the office water heater is marked 100 degrees, the real temperature is rarely to 90 degrees.

6. In the process of adding water, you can be divided into two parts of water injection.

7. A cup that holds coffee, preferably a thick cup

8. After brewing, open the black filter paper cover directly, push out the coffee powder, and then clean the piston with a little soap at the cleaning opening, which can save you a lot of cleaning time.

9. After cleaning, the tools can be assembled back without waiting for them to dry.