Coffee review

Guatemala Antigua Coffee Guatemala Coffee Guatemala Vivitenango

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Huehuetenango Chinese translated as Vivitenango. The name sounds especially good on paper and on paper, reminding me of the narino region of Colombia. Beautiful name, of course, must have a beautiful flavor to correspond to it. Vivit South fruit production area is located in the northwest highlands of Guatemala, planting altitude of 1800-2100 meters, is the country's highest altitude

Huehuetenango "translates into" Vivitenango "in Chinese. The name sounds especially good on paper and on paper, reminding me of the narino region of Colombia. Beautiful name, of course, must have a beautiful flavor to correspond to it.

Vivit South Fruit Production Area is located in the northwest highlands of Guatemala, with an altitude of 1800-2100 meters. It is the highest coffee production area in the country and is famous for producing excellent quality beans. Because there are many rivers and lakes in Guatemala, the Vivitenango region is rich in mountains and water resources, the climate is dry but the water resources are abundant, and the water conservancy facilities in this region are complete, so coffee is mostly processed by washing. Vivienne Nanguo coffee, rich taste, with a high degree of mellow, smoky flavor is its most characteristic flavor.

Generally speaking, Arabica coffee grows at a maximum altitude of about 2000 meters and Robusta at a maximum altitude of about 900 meters. If the altitude is too high, coffee trees will freeze due to the low temperature and even cannot survive. Even if the coffee of Vivienne South Fruit is planted at an altitude of nearly 2000 meters, it is not easy to frost. The high and cold growth environment creates high-quality extremely hard beans. This is all thanks to the warm, dry air blowing from the Mexican plains, which protects the coffee trees from frost.

Like Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico and Honduras, Guatemala is classified according to altitude. Coffee produced at higher altitudes is generally of higher quality than coffee produced at lower altitudes because the temperature decreases with altitude. At high altitudes, the slower coffee grows, the more favorable it is for the accumulation of good substances. That's why altitude is used to grade quality. So what is the classification method based on altitude? In Guatemala, for example, the higher the altitude, the higher the density of coffee beans and the higher the grade of green coffee beans:

The highest grade is SHB (Strictly Hard Bean), which is planted above 1350m above sea level.

HB (Hard Bean) was the second, planted at 1200m~1400m above sea level.

SH (Semi Hard Bean) is also available. It is planted at an altitude of 1200m.

Author: Ellen Li Yi


Source: Know

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Now that we talk about the Vivetnam fruit region, we have to introduce the star estate here-El Injerto, the name of Injerto Manor is derived from the unique fruit name of Vivetnam fruit region "Injerto". The coffee tree species on the estate are quite diverse. Bourbon, Pacamara, Malagojipe and other varieties are cultivated here. It has an impressive record in the history of Guatemala COE: nine entries, six wins and three consecutive national championships from 2008 to 2010. A manor with such a record in the coffee world can be regarded as unprecedented, really admirable. Inchter is arguably the most respected estate in Guatemala.

Coffee cultivation at Inchter Estate began in 1900. With a total area of 720 hectares, 470 hectares of virgin forest are maintained in order to maintain a natural and precious microclimate. To prevent the microclimate of the entire estate from being affected by over-cultivation. Proper farming practices are used to protect soil nutrients so that soil quality does not deteriorate over time due to long-term cultivation, thereby maintaining an abundance of organic matter. In addition, the hardware facilities of the Inkert treatment plant are complete. Through orderly and scientific management, the quality of coffee in the later processing links is guaranteed. Inkert also takes great care of the coffee tree planting process, whether it is harvesting, pruning, or fertilizing, etc. The coffee tree is carefully cared for. The planting management of the whole estate has an advanced concept of win-win symbiosis with ecology. Inchter was certified by the Rainforest Alliance for this reason.

In the world of coffee, each producing country is divided into multiple producing areas, and there will be many manors in different producing areas. The coffee varieties and processing methods planted in the manors will be different, and the final coffee flavor will be different. Even the microclimate of the producing area is also ingeniously affecting the quality of coffee. However, the charm of coffee lies in this, every cup of good coffee condenses the hard work and wisdom of coffee people, and it is precisely because of all this that gives coffee a complex and varied flavor.