Coffee review

Timor FTO | (Fair Trade Organic: fair trade organic farmers) | Timor FT

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The eastern part of Timor Island is a rugged cliff zone, the highest peak of Mount Latin America (2963m) is located in the middle of the plateau, Timor has the lowest income in the Indonesian archipelago, and coffee is the only source of income except vegetables and fruits. Coupled with the natural planting environment and the water washing treatment introduced in 1994, it has become a country that can produce high-quality coffee. East Timor

East Timor is a rugged terrain with the highest peak, Mount Lamarao (2,963 m), located in the middle of the plateau. Timor has the lowest income among the Indonesian archipelago, with coffee being the only source of income other than vegetables and fruit. In addition to the natural growing environment and the washing method introduced in 1994, it has become a country that can produce high-quality coffee. Although the coffee industry in East Timor accounts for less than 1% of the world market, the coffee is 100% organic and about 20% more expensive than coffee in other countries.

Timor FTO| (Fair Trade Organic)| Timor FTO

Coffee in East Timor, where pesticides are not available because of poverty, is grown organically. But it adds a touch of flavor to East Timor coffee. East Timor coffee tastes similar to Indonesian Java coffee. Characterized by a heavy texture and tropical rainforest aromas. Roasting is best between medium and deep roasting. Well-roasted East Timor coffee takes on a leathery color and exudes an attractive aroma.

Aroma characteristics: Aroma| Flavor |Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon |Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety : Typica, CatimorProcessing Method : Washed Species : Arabica Flavor : wine, Fruit, Chocolate

Summary: Newly independent states that gained independence from Indonesia in 2002

Capital: Dili

Languages: Portugal, Tetum

Religion: Roman Catholic 90%, Islam 4%, Protestant 3%

Production area: Maubesse

Varieties: Typica,Catimor, Other

Harvest period: May to August

Planting height: 1,500 m 1,900 m

Level: One

Processing method: Wet-processed

Features: Heavy Body, Clenacup, "Forestry" Flavors