Coffee review

Coffee beans from Yemen and Ethiopia are both called Mocha, which is well known today.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Mocha Mattari: coffee beans from Yemen and Ethiopia are both called Mocha, also known today as Mocha, from the port of Yemen city of Muha, once the largest coffee distribution center in the Islamic world. It is generally believed that the quality of mocha coffee produced in Yemen is higher, and the highest quality coffee bean produced in Yemen is Mattari. The taste is strong, sour, and the aftertaste is close to the smell of flowers.

Mocha Mattari: coffee beans from Yemen and Ethiopia are both called Mocha, known today as Mocha, from the port of Yemeni city of Muha, once the largest coffee distribution center in the Islamic world. It is generally believed that the quality of mocha coffee produced in Yemen is higher, and the highest quality coffee bean produced in Yemen is Mattari. The palate is full-bodied and sour, with a floral finish reminiscent of wine. As the earliest variety introduced into Europe, it is so popular in Europe and America that coffee shops such as Starbucks specially invented coffee é Mocha (Espresso+ chocolate syrup + milk foam) that imitates "Mocha flavor" with Espresso. There is a problem of preference for Asians. I personally accept it, but there are people who don't want to drink it at all.