Coffee review

The export of Ethiopian coffee knows the main producing areas of Ethiopian coffee.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee export coffee is Ethiopia's most important export cash crop and the main source of Ethiopia's foreign exchange earnings. Ethiopia's coffee exports account for about 3% of the world market, making it the eighth largest coffee exporter in the world. Coffee exports increased steadily from 58000 tons in 1990 to 110000 tons in 1995-1996 and remained at this level in the following years. two

The export of coffee

Coffee is Ethiopia's most important export cash crop and the main source of Ethiopia's foreign exchange earnings. Ethiopia's coffee exports account for about 3% of the world market, making it the eighth largest coffee exporter in the world. Coffee exports increased steadily from 58000 tons in 1990 to 110000 tons in 1995-1996 and remained at this level in the following years. The export volume exceeded 110000 tons from 2001 to 2002 and reached 127000 tons from 2002 to 2003. As the price of coffee on the international market has been declining for a decade, Ethiopia's foreign exchange earnings have been seriously affected. Before the sharp drop in coffee prices, coffee exports accounted for more than half of Ethiopia's foreign exchange earnings, but now they account for only about 35 per cent. But according to the International Coffee Organization, coffee prices rebounded in 2002, rising from 41 cents per pound in September 2001 to 52 cents per pound in 2002 and 59.7 cents per pound in 2003. The average price in March 2004 was 60.8 cents per pound, an increase of 50% over September 2001. This is excellent news for Ethiopia.

Ethiopian people are addicted to coffee. In 2003, domestic consumption accounted for 42.3% of the total output, with a per capita consumption of 3 kg. But more than half of the coffee produced each year is used for export to earn foreign exchange. The main exporters include the United States, Italy, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Greece, France, Belgium, Germany and Australia.

Before 1974, the right to produce, process and trade coffee was in private hands. During the military administration, private farms were nationalized and smallholder coffee producers were snubbed. In 1991, the Ethiopian Transitional Government issued a new economic policy to encourage private businessmen to export coffee. As a result, the number of private coffee exporters has increased sharply. Nearly 90% of coffee exports are now in the hands of private exporters.

The characteristics of Ethiopian coffee

The natural characteristics of coffee beans include size, shape, acidity, texture, taste and aroma. Essel's coffee beans are small, fragrant and sour like wine, and are loved by coffee lovers. Because of its unique aroma and taste, Ethiopian coffee is often used in the production and variety improvement of beverages, ice cream and candies.

The world-famous Ethiopian coffee is mainly:

1. Limu coffee grows between 1400 meters and 2000 meters above sea level. Wash the coffee. Excellent quality, with strong nut aromas, suitable acidity, with the intensity of wine. The annual output is 29000 tons.

2. Jima Coffee grows between 1400 and 1800 meters above sea level. Sun-baked coffee. Slightly sour, with nutty aromas and a long finish. The annual output is 70000 tons.

3. Gambi coffee grows between 1500 meters and 2300 meters above sea level. It is gourmet coffee with moderate acidity and fruity aroma. The annual output is 34000 tons.

4. Yerqin coffee grows from 1500 meters to 2200 meters above sea level. Mocha flavor, with floral and spicy aromas. The average annual output is about 28000 tons.

5. Sidamo Coffee grows at an altitude of 1400-2200 meters. Suitable acidity and high quality. The average annual output is about 37000 tons.

6. Harald Coffee grows on highlands above 2700 meters above sea level. It is the best coffee in the world, medium acidity, intoxicating exotic flavor, with slightly tipsy, dried fruit aroma, is pure mocha coffee. The average annual output is about 26000 tons.

Information related to the coffee trade

Official institutions:

Ministry of Trade and Industry (Ministry of Trade & Industry)

P.O.BOX 704

FAX: 00251-1-515411

TEL: 00251-1-518025


Coffee and Tea Bureau (Coffee & Tea Authority)

P.O.BOX 3222

FAX: 00251-1-517293



Coffee research institute

Jima Agricultural Research Center (Jimma Agricultural Research Center)


TEL: 00251-7-110367

FAX: 00251-7-111999


Coffee association

Ethiopian Coffee exporters Association

(Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association)


FAX: 00251-1-711477

TEL: 00251-1-355378


Oromo Coffee Growers Cooperative

(Oromiya Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union)

P.O.BOX 1394 CODE 1100

FAX: 00251-1-506116

TEL: 00251-1-506114


Sidamo Coffee Growers Cooperative

(Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union)

P.O.BOX 122067

FAX: 00251-1-527552

TEL: 00251-1-525363


Yeerqifa Coffee Growers' Cooperative

(Yirgachefe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union)

P.O.BOX 122641

FAX: 00251-1-402533

TEL: 00251-1-431774


Coffee enterprise

Coffee planting and development co.

(Coffee Plantation Development Enterprise)

P.O.BOX 4363

FAX: 00251-1-711097

TEL: 00251-1-710134

Ethiopian coffee and tea growing and marketing co.

(Ethio Coffee & Tea Plantation & Marketing Plc.)

P.O.BOX 1006

FAX: 00251-1-627764

TEL: 00251-1-615608


Coffee processing and warehousing company

(Coffee Processing & Warehouse Enterprise)

P.O.BOX 12653

FAX: 00251-1-403722

TEL: 00251-1-431860

Coffee Technology Development and Engineering Company

(Coffee Technology Development & Engineering Enterprise)

P.O.BOX 5898

FAX: 00251-1-533668

TEL: 00251-1-155920

(source: business Office of the Embassy in Ethiopia)