Coffee review

Coffee Bean Classification Papua New Guinea Quintamani Volcano

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There is a mountain town called Quintamani near Quintamani volcano. The scenery here is very beautiful. Along the way, you can enjoy the countryside scenery and amazing terraced scenery. Here, you can also see the famous Badur volcanic lake and various volcanic terrains. For example, Badur active volcano is a famous local scenic spot. After visiting active volcanoes, you can build

Near Mount Kintamani, there is a small mountain town called Jintamani. The scenery here is very beautiful. Along the road, you can enjoy the countryside and breathtaking terraced fields. You can also see the famous Badur volcanic lake and various volcanic landforms. For example, the Badur active volcano is a famous local scenic spot. After visiting the active volcano, you can visit the local Holy Spring Temple and the hermit residence of Buddhists and Hindus in the eleventh century, also known as the Elephant Cave, a scenic spot full of religious colors. it's a place you must have an eye-opener.

The coffee bean producing area, a plateau centered on Mount Baduru at an altitude of 1717 meters, is a rare cool area in Indonesia. There is a lookout, from which you can see Lake Baduru, which is located between Mount Baduru and Mount Abang. The peak is smoky all the year round, and the water of the lake is as flat as a mirror. Tourists can take a walk by the lake on horseback.

The scenic spot of Lake Batu in the Jingdamani crater is a rare cool area in Indonesia. The peaks are smoky all the year round, the mountains are covered with dense tropical rain forests, or terraces planted with green rice, and there are even more surging streams in the mountains, full of exuberant vitality everywhere. The water of the lake is as flat as a mirror.

There are many restaurants in the mountains near Jingdamani, where you can enjoy the magnificent mountain scenery. However, the price is expensive and the taste is mediocre, and tourists who value dishes rather than the environment had better go to the foot of the mountain to have dinner.

It erupted in 1917, destroying numerous shrines and villages. But it also brought about the fertile land, with oranges, bananas, coffee, coconuts and other crops planted around the volcano. The customs of the villagers in this area are also different from those of ordinary Balinese. They do not have cremation or burial, but celestial burial.

It is drizzling all the year round and the climate is cool.