Coffee review

The taste of Kopi Luwak Why is Kopi Luwak so expensive

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The coffee comes from the excrement of an animal called the civet (commonly known as the civet in Indonesia). Although it comes from smelly poop, it is full of sweetness and a burst of indescribable sweetness. This wild musk cat likes to eat fat, pulpy coffee fruit, but the hard hard nut (raw bean) cannot be digested. It is excreted with feces and becomes Kop after cleaning.

The coffee comes from the excrement of an animal called the civet (commonly known as the civet in Indonesia). Although it comes from smelly poop, it is full of sweetness and a burst of indescribable sweetness. This wild musk cat likes to eat fat and pulpy coffee fruits, but the hard hard nuts (raw beans) are indigestible and are excreted with feces. After being cleaned, they become Kopi Luwak coffee raw beans! So many people call it "cat shit" coffee. The Indonesians found that the coffee beans fermented by the civets' intestines and stomach are particularly thick and mellow, so they collect the civets' feces, sift out the coffee beans and brew them to drink. Because the yield is rare and the fermentation process is unique, the flavor is very different from that of ordinary coffee. Traditionally, coffee fruit is washed or sun-treated to remove the peel, pulp and sheep skin, and finally take out the coffee beans. However, Luwak uses natural fermentation in the body to remove the coffee beans, so it has a special flavor.

It is said that coffee farmers in early Indonesia regarded civet cats that ate ripe coffee fruits as mortal enemies, but at some point someone began to think of picking coffee beans from the civet droppings to make coffee with unique flavor. Coffee experts everywhere have tried and were amazed. Since then, local farmers spend a lot of time collecting civet droppings in the forest every day during the coffee ripening season.