Coffee review

Taste and characteristics of coffee what kind of coffee can meet the needs of today's society

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Taste basically refers to the sensation received by the jaw (tactilesensationonthepalate). Generally speaking, sensory organs located in the tongue, stomach, and soft and hard jaws are open nerves (freeendingnerve). But after drinking the coffee, these nerve ends will sense the consistency and grease of the coffee, and the comprehensive feeling causes the body of a cup of coffee to be thick.

Taste basically refers to the sensation received by the jaw (tactilesensationonthepalate). Generally speaking, sensory organs located in the tongue, stomach, and soft and hard jaws are open nerves (freeendingnerve). But after drinking coffee, these nerve terminals sense the consistency and oil of the coffee, and the combined feeling causes the "body" consistency (viscosity) of a cup of coffee to be basically related to the amount of solid matter that is brewed out of the coffee. These substances include the unfiltered fiber in coffee. Fat (oiliness) is the fat in coffee (liquid oil, solid fat, or wax). These substances exist in the form of oil in raw coffee beans, or fat at room temperature, while in baking, they are transferred to liquid and finally extracted during cooking. Different cooking methods can affect the performance of coffee. Take the taste as an example, if the metal filter is used for manual extraction, the taste will be heavier than the filter paper (heavy/thick). This is because the suspended matter in the coffee and the increase in the proportion of oil and fat require further description of the strength Rich,Full,Rounded,Flat and the corresponding details under each flavor. Complexity is different from miscellaneous flavor. Complexity refers to the synthesis of good qualities in coffee, while miscellaneous flavors are unpleasant flavors in coffee, such as coke, wood (old beans), grass (new beans), even rubber, or iodine.

2.Gestation (taste): taste evaluation is for the taste of water-soluble substances in coffee. Contains organic (such as carbohydrates / sugars, vegetable oils, fruit acids, etc.); tastes range from slightly sweet to extremely sour. Organic compounds include alkaloids (such as caffeine and esters) and non-organic substances that cause bitterness. Non-organic compounds include mineral salts that cause bitterness and may cause tastes ranging from sweet to astringent, soapy to metallic. The basic taste sensations include: sour, sweet, bitter, Duringthecoffeecupping. When tasting light roasted coffee, the function of bitterness is only used as a supplementary or enhanced description of the other three tastes, but bitterness becomes the main taste description when evaluating deep-baked coffee. Bitterness is one of the disgusting feelings. But sometimes bitterness can add points to the senses of food. Bitter but delicious foods include dark chocolate, beer, and grapefruit. The disappearance of bitterness will reduce the appreciation and evaluation of practice. Although proper bitterness can cause a balance in the taste of deep-roasted coffee, it is worth noting that when bitterness remains at the back of the tongue, that is, when bitterness cannot disappear with swallowing, it usually causes extreme sensory disgust, so it can be used as an index to judge the appropriateness of bitterness. The value of sour taste is evaluated by both the mass market and the boutique coffee player market. Acidity is one of the existing taste senses of coffee, if it can be handled well, it can increase the hierarchical sense of taste and improve the taste value. Coffee famous for its sour taste includes Antigua coffee (as sharp as a razor) and mocha coffee, such as lemon smell and sour Yega Chuefei.