Coffee review

Peruvian coffee with Latin American flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Boutique coffee has a strict grading system. Generally, raw beans are preserved in parchment coffee beans in the form of endocarp after processing, and the endocarp is removed before export. Go through a strict grading process to ensure the uniformity of quality. And it is very important to preserve the protection in the process of transportation, such as the control of temperature and humidity, the control of ventilation, avoiding odor adsorption and so on.

Boutique coffee has a strict grading system. In general, raw beans are preserved as "parchment coffee beans" in the form of endocarp after processing, and the endocarp is removed before export. Go through a strict grading process to ensure the uniformity of quality. And its preservation and transportation in the process of protection is very important, such as temperature and humidity control, ventilation control, avoid odor adsorption and so on, if these do not do well, then no matter how high-grade beans will no longer become fine.

Peruvian (Peru) aroma 3 minutes brightness 4.5 minutes mellow 3 points flavor 4 points aftertaste 4 points

Suitable for roasting: Full city/Espresso/Dark medium and deep roasting is the most suitable for Peruvian coffee beans, too shallow to show flavor and sweetness.

Peruvian coffee used to be uncommon internationally, and it is generally believed that its handling process is hasty, so the evaluation is poor, which is the result of a previous state monopoly. In fact, Peruvian coffee has good growth conditions, and many of them are grown organically, so the quality of coffee beans has always been quite good. The famous producing area of Peruvian coffee is Chanchamayo, while Notre and Cuzco also have excellent works occasionally. Good Peruvian coffee beans are good in texture, acidity and complexity, which can be said to have both the brightness of Central American coffee and the mellowness of South American coffee.