Coffee review

What's the taste of coffee beans? what's the taste of coffee beans? what kind of coffee is suitable for hand brewing?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee has a lot of taste, each kind of coffee has a different taste, each kind of coffee has a different flavor, there are many main production methods of Brazilian (South American) Santos coffee: taste mellow, neutral, can be directly boiled, or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans to form a comprehensive coffee, is also a good choice. Columbia (South America) Man

Coffee has a lot of taste, each kind of coffee has a different taste, each kind of coffee has a different flavor, there are many main production methods of Brazilian (South American) Santos coffee: taste mellow, neutral, can be directly boiled, or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans to form a comprehensive coffee, is also a good choice.

Columbia (South America) Manning: the palate is rich and solid, with a pleasant sour taste. The smell is mellow, the acidity is moderate, the sweetness is rich and very intriguing, it is suitable for deep baking and exudes a strong aroma.

Supremo, Colombia (South America): unique aroma, bitter taste with sweet taste unforgettable.

Mexico Coatepec, Huatusco, Orizaba: comfortable on the palate with charming aromas.

Blue Mountain Coffee: sour, sweet, bitter taste are very harmonious and have excellent flavor and aroma, suitable for individual coffee, suitable for moderate roasting.

Large coffee / small coffee / espresso (Grosser/kleiner Brauner/Schwarzer): fine Italian coffee with a little cream or milk. Sugar depends on your taste.

Milk coffee (Melange): half black coffee and half hot milk, sometimes with mixed cream, the vessel is a large coffee mug. The authentic method of deployment when the Turks besieged Vienna in the 17th century.

Cream Coffee (Einspaenner): similar to espresso, coffee is served with prepared cream. Sugar depends on your taste.

Viennese iced coffee (Wiener Eiskaffee): cold coffee with Vanilla Ice Cream and cream. The utensils are long goblets. Sugar depends on your taste.

Cream hot cocoa (Heisse Schokolade mit Schlagobers): hot cocoa with prepared cream.

Mocha coffee: this kind of coffee has a unique aroma, moderate roasting has a soft sour taste, deep roasting gives off a strong aroma, and is occasionally used as a mixed drink.