Coffee review

Production method of coffee beans the production process of coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, First of all, the coffee bean is a red coffee fruit that is picked from the coffee tree and ripe by fermenting flat beans and round beans, as shown in the figure. The pale green core with a little blue in the middle is the coffee bean. In general, the core of a coffee fruit is oval. When two kernels are opposite to each other, flat beans are formed; sometimes a single kernel grows and forms.

Coffee bean production process First coffee bean is a fruit picked from the coffee tree after fermentation of flat beans and round beans

The ripe red coffee fruit, shown here, has a multi-layered structure. The pale green kernel with a bluish center is the coffee bean.

The core of the coffee fruit is generally oval. When the two stones are paired together, they form a flat bean; sometimes the stone grows singly, forming a round bean. The difference between the two types of beans is mainly in taste.

From harvest to delivery

After harvest, the skin and flesh must be removed. Coffee beans are made by removing the endocarp and silver peel. There are two methods: drying (natural drying, non-washing) and washing.

Drying type, the operation is relatively simple, the harvested fruit spread on the dry site, in the sun for a week or two, turning when you can hear the sound of cluck cluck said dried. Then use a hulling machine to remove the flesh, endocarp and silver skin of the dried fruit.

This method gives coffee beans a mild acidity and a mild bitterness. Brazil, Ethiopia, Yemen and other places to use this method. Disadvantages: easily affected by weather, defective beans and foreign bodies mixed with the opportunity to many. Therefore, careful selection is required before shipment.

The method comprises the following steps of: pouring harvested fruits into a water tank, removing floating matters, moving the fruits in water into a pulp removing machine, stripping the skin and pulp, then putting the fruits back into the water tank, removing floating matters, pouring the "fruit core" in water into a fermentation tank, soaking for half a day or one day, removing colloid on the surface of fermented beans, washing, drying or mechanically drying, removing the endocarp on a hulling machine, and obtaining commercial green coffee beans.

The advantages of washing: coffee beans luster is good, mixed with less foreign matter, sour slightly better. This approach has been used in Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala. Coffee beans produced with water washing account for almost 70% of the total coffee bean production.

Sometimes bad fermentation time will produce fermentation odor and special sour taste; well processed, coffee beans can form a personalized aroma.

At this time, coffee beans can be packed into sacks and sent to various places, or packed into special containers and shipped across the ocean.