Coffee review

What details do you need to pay attention to when drinking coffee?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, The first step is to smell the fragrance and taste the original aroma of coffee; the second step is to observe the color, the coffee had better be dark brown, rather than pitch black, deep to the bottom; the third step, taste, first take a sip of black coffee, feel the taste of the original coffee, the coffee entrance is not in a hurry to swallow the coffee, it should be temporarily contained in the mouth, let the aroma of coffee exhale through the nose, and then

The first step is to smell the aroma and taste the original aroma of coffee.

The second step is to observe the color. It is best for coffee to be dark brown, not dark and bottomless.

The third step, taste, first drink a mouthful of black coffee, feel the taste of the original coffee, coffee entrance do not rush to swallow coffee, should be temporarily contained in the mouth, let the aroma of coffee exhale from the nasal cavity, and then swallow coffee.

When tasting coffee, it is best to drink a mouthful of cold water, so that each time you drink fresh taste, cold water is contained in the mouth gargle. Step 4, add the right amount of sugar according to personal preference, stir with a small spoon, take advantage of the stirring coffee vortex, slowly add the cream ball, let the fat float on the coffee, keep the heat of the coffee can also evaporate the milk fragrance, enjoy the multi-layer taste.

Temperature: The best temperature for drinking coffee is around 80 ° C. Because regular coffee is less stable in texture, it's best to taste it hot. In order not to reduce the taste of coffee, it is necessary to preheat the coffee cup beforehand. The appropriate temperature of coffee is 83 ° C at the moment of brewing, 80 ° C when poured into the cup, and 61-62 ° C in the mouth, which is the most ideal.

Generally speaking, it is also a basic etiquette to taste the coffee served by the host while it is hot and drink the coffee as much as possible within ten minutes. If a cup of good quality coffee, cool after the aroma will be reduced, taste performance and hot is consistent, or even better. Drinking pure coffee is not to destroy the taste of drinking method, in the coffee to add sugar or cream, in order to make coffee bitter, sour neutralization, so that the taste smooth drink. Unlike drinking alcohol or juice, a full cup of coffee loses interest after watching it.

Generally seven or eight points full for the right amount, moderate amount of coffee will not only stimulate the taste, drink will not have a greasy feeling, so that the body to restore fatigue mind for the refreshing. At the same time, the right amount of coffee can satisfy some guests who like to add sugar and milk directly, so as not to add sugar and milk into the coffee after the cup is too full.

The taste of coffee has its own shades, so it cannot be like tea or cola, drink several cups in succession, drink coffee in 80=100cc as the right amount, if you want to drink three or four cups in a row, you must dilute the concentration of coffee, or add a lot of milk, do not cause nausea, and in the sugar allocation may also wish to change more, so that coffee is more delicious.

Coffee drinking etiquette--coffee drinking collocation

Coffee spoon: If you drink coffee with a coffee spoon, you will be laughed at. Coffee spoon is only used to stir coffee, can not be used to scoop coffee, stir coffee spoon to put aside. Some coffee shops simply do not have coffee spoons, only disposable stirring rods, the use is the same.

● Milk bubble: also known as creamer or coffee mate, it is actually a kind of plant milk extracted from plants and added with artificial spices, only a temporary substitute for fresh milk, not a real dairy product. Milk ball bubble cholesterol is very high, often harmful to the body, drink coffee best with fresh milk as seasoning.

● Raw sugar: Many people like to add sugar to coffee. In fact, a good cup of coffee also has sugar. In order to save costs, most coffee shops will choose white sugar, but it will affect the original taste of coffee. Really good coffee sugar should be raw sugar, also known as yellow sugar, large particles, yellow color, placed on the fancy coffee foam, long time will not sink.

● Coffee temperature: Coffee is drunk when it is hot. Coffee with temperature between 91.6℃ and 96.1℃ can best emit original flavor. Therefore, it is best to choose porcelain cup with good insulation for drinking coffee.