Coffee review

The wonderful use of coffee grounds introduces what coffee grounds can be used for

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1 to eliminate the odor of the ashtray, how to clean the ashtray, there will still be a strong smell of smoke; as long as you put a layer of coffee grounds in the washed ashtray, the ashtray will be filled with coffee aroma and the smell of smoke will disappear. 2 to eliminate the smell of the pot, the pot has the smell of oil for a long time. Stir-fry the wet coffee grounds in the pot until dry, you can remove the smell from the pot.

1 eliminate the smell of ashtrays

Smoking friends' good friend ashtrays, how to clean, there will still be a strong smell of smoke; as long as a layer of coffee grounds is spread in the washed ashtrays, the ashtrays will be filled with coffee aroma and the smell of smoke will disappear.

2 eliminate the smell of the pot

The pot smells like oil after it has been used for a long time. Stir-fry the wet coffee grounds in the pan until dry, and the smell can be removed.

After eating food containing garlic, drink a cup of coffee to make your breath fresh and natural.

3 as floor waxing agent

Introduction to the wonderful use of Coffee grounds

The coffee grounds are dried and loaded into stockings to polish the floor, which can achieve the effect of waxing, and the floor becomes very bright.

(4) eliminate the smell of shoes cabinet toilet.

The coffee grounds are dried and put into the shoe cabinet in the container to eliminate the peculiar smell of the shoe cabinet.

You can also put it in a beautiful container in the toilet, and you can also get the effect of deodorizing and deodorizing.