Coffee review

The main origin of coffee in the world coffee producing area and famous products

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. The main coffee beverage in the world is made from the extract of coffee beans. Coffee beans are a pair of beans wrapped in a hard shell inside the coffee fruit. There are two ways to take out coffee beans. One is to spread out the coffee fruit and expose it to the sun for about 3 weeks. After the coffee fruit is quite dry, peel off the pulp and shell with mechanical force, and take out the coffee beans. The other method is to use

1. The main producing area of coffee in the world

Coffee drinks are made from the extract of coffee beans.

Coffee beans are a pair of beans wrapped in a hard shell inside the coffee fruit. There are two ways to take out the coffee beans. one is to spread the coffee fruit and expose it to the sun for about 3 weeks. after the coffee fruit is quite dry, peel off the pulp and shell by mechanical force, and take out the coffee beans. another method is to ferment the coffee fruit by wetting, then remove the shell, and then remove the shell after artificial drying. No matter where it comes from, coffee does have a special effect. Moderate drinking can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, digestion, and refreshing functions. It also relieves fatigue, relaxes blood vessels and has a diuretic effect. The nutritional value of coffee is also very high. According to analysis, it contains 10% 14% fat, 5% 8% protein, 1.2% caffeine and 1.8% caffeine, as well as carbohydrates, inorganic salts and multivitamins. At present, the production of coffee in the world is mainly concentrated in the following countries and regions.

⑴ Moga

Moga is actually the place of export of Arabica coffee, not the place of origin, and now the trade export port of Arabica coffee has been transferred to the south of Aden. The coffee sold under the name of Moga is made from coffee beans grown in the highlands of Yemen. It is said that the original species was transplanted from Arabia, but the yield is not high. Some of the coffee sold under the brand name of Moga on the market is not Arabian coffee, but Arabian coffee grown in other places.

⑵ Indonesia

Java Islands, Sumatra. Coffee from Sibes Island is collectively referred to as Indonesian coffee. During the Dutch colonial era, local farmers were forced to grow coffee, which was collected by the authorities, and Arabian coffee trees were introduced at the beginning, but because of their weak resistance to disease, they planted Robusta coffee trees instead. This kind of coffee has a unique flavor and is said to have a rich flavor. It tastes better if it is mixed with mocha coffee.

⑶ Brazil

Brazilian coffee accounts for 3/4 of the world's total coffee production. The brand names of Brazilian coffee are mostly taken from the place names of the port of export, such as Santos coffee, Leo coffee, Victorian coffee, Brazilian coffee and so on.

The taste of Santos coffee beans is completely comparable to that of mocha coffee.

Leo coffee beans have a special flavor, and strong irritation, not to the taste of ordinary people, so not as good as Santos coffee.

Victorian coffee beans have a kind of earthy taste, but after improvement, the earthy taste has been reduced. This kind of coffee beans tastes softer after fried

The coffee bean system in Brazil is excellent and is welcomed by the public.

In addition to the above coffee beans, coffee beans in Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and other real estate are also included in the mild coffee category. And Hawaiian Cona beans enter the market as mixed coffee beans.

2, world-famous coffee

In the market, we can often see raw coffee beans with different names. Basically, each kind of coffee has its own special flavor, and the origin of its name is mostly based on origin and variety. In fact, nearly 90% of the coffee consumed in the world today is good acid coffee, and the remaining 10% is non-acidic.

There are several kinds of common coffee beans

⑴ Blue Mountain, a sacred coffee product with a soft fragrance, is produced in the high mountains of Jamaica in the West Indies. Due to its limited production and high price, most of the Blue Mountain coffee drunk in the market is an imitation.

⑵ Jamaica, tastes clear and elegant, vanillic acid is second to Blue Mountain, but unique.

⑶ Columbia, mellow and thick, sour and smooth, has a peculiar sweet potato skin flavor. It is a good taste in coffee and is often used to add flavor to other coffees.

⑷ mocha, with its unique aroma and sweet and sour flavor, is an ideal variety for blending mixed coffee.

⑸ Mantenin, strong fragrance, bitter, mellow, single drink, for supreme enjoyment.

⑹ Guatemala, sweet and fragrant lips, neutral beans, taste very similar to Colombian coffee.

⑺ Santos, Brazil, light fragrance slightly sweet, roasting heat must be properly controlled in order to give full play to its characteristics.

In addition to the above several kinds of coffee, other coffee beans, such as Clemangaro, Java, Ivory Coast, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador and so on, have different soft and sweet acids, and all kinds of coffee beans can be drunk individually or mixed. Usually mixed with more than three kinds of coffee, called comprehensive coffee, because they are carefully mixed, there is no lack of delicious taste.

After more than ten centuries of development and evolution, coffee has its own living space, and each place produces different tastes, either sweet or sour, fragrant or mellow, bitter or strong. In addition to the differences in nature, the skill of coffee making can also be said to be the biggest factor.