Coffee review

Bolivian coffee grows American coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Boutique coffee (specialty coffee) is also called specialty coffee selection coffee. It refers to coffee made from a small number of raw beans with excellent taste grown in an ideal geographical environment. Depending on the special soil and climatic conditions in which they grow, they have outstanding flavor. After strict selection and classification, this kind of coffee is hard in texture, rich in taste and stylish.

Boutique coffee (specialty coffee) is also called "specialty coffee" or "select coffee". It refers to coffee made from a small number of raw beans with excellent taste grown in an ideal geographical environment. Depending on the special soil and climatic conditions in which they grow, they have outstanding flavor. After strict selection and classification, this kind of coffee can be regarded as a selection of coffee beans because of its hard texture, rich taste and excellent flavor.

In the past, coffee trees in Bolivia used to act as hedges and ornaments around the garden. Real commercial production began in the early 1950s. The great frost of 1957 seriously damaged Brazil's coffee industry, while Bolivia (Bolivia) benefited from it and developed rapidly. Bolivian coffee is grown at an altitude of 180,670 meters above sea level, and the Arabic washed coffee beans are exported to Germany and Sweden, which are not the best today and have a bitter taste.