Coffee review

The flavor of Salvadoran coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Salvadoran coffee editing flavor: balanced taste, excellent texture suggested baking method: medium to deep, there are many uses of quality beans: El SHB taste characteristics: sour, bitter, sweet mild moderate. Salvadoran coffee ranks side by side with Mexico and Guatemala as the producers of Asa and Merdo, and is fighting for the top one or two places in China and the United States with other countries. Place of Origin

Salvadoran coffee editor

Flavor: balanced taste and good texture

Recommended baking method: moderate to deep, with a variety of uses

Top quality beans: El Salvador SHB

Taste characteristics: sour, bitter, sweet mild and moderate.

Salvadoran coffee ranks side by side with Mexico and Guatemala as the producers of Asa and Merdo, and is fighting for the top one or two places in China and the United States with other countries. The highlands of origin are large coffee beans of all sizes, which are fragrant and mild in taste. Like Guatemala and Costa Rica, coffee in El Salvador is graded according to altitude. The higher the altitude, the better the coffee. It is divided into three grades according to elevation: SHB (strictlyhighgrown) = highlands, HEC (highgrowncentral) = mid-highlands, and CS (centralstandard) = lowlands. The best brand is Pipil, which is what the Aztec-Mayan (Aztec-Mayan) called coffee, which has been recognized by the American Organic Certification Society (OrganicCertifiedlnstituteofAmerica).

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