Coffee review

The History of Chinese Coffee the earliest Coffee Coffee Network in China

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, At present, the coffee business of listed companies in China is mainly H-share China Resources Entrepreneurship. After its acquisition of Pacific Coffee, it makes use of the strong domestic channels of China Resources Group to rapidly expand its coffee business. In the A-share market, although there are no companies with coffee as the main business, some listed companies have successfully married with the coffee industry. For example, COSTA (extended location information) coffee is available in

At present, the coffee business of listed companies in China is mainly H-share China Resources Entrepreneurship. After its acquisition of Pacific Coffee, it makes use of the strong domestic channels of China Resources Group to rapidly expand its coffee business. In the A-share market, although there are no companies with coffee as the main business, some listed companies have successfully married with the coffee industry.

For example, COSTA (expanded location Information) Coffee has joined hands with Hualian Group in northern China to gain access to large shopping malls based on the channel advantages of Hualian Group. Hualian Comprehensive Super has disclosed this year that some shopping malls have introduced Hualian Kashijia (Beijing) Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. (COSTA), a subsidiary of Hualian Group, to operate coffee shops, and the annual rent and management fees are expected to not exceed 3 million yuan from 2012 to 2014. In addition, there are also rumors this year that Kangnbei, which is mainly engaged in pharmaceutical manufacturing, has also played coffee across the border, planting an ecological coffee base in Pu'er, Yunnan Province, where the coffee will mainly be high-end coffee beans and deeply processed products.

According to the plan of Yunnan Province, we will strive to cultivate one or two listed companies in the coffee industry during the 12th five-year Plan period. In mainland China, the mellow aroma of the coffee industry has attracted more and more industrial capital. With the gradual spread of coffee consumption from spring snow to Xialiba people, and the improvement of the operation and management of the coffee industry, it is only a matter of time before the first cocoon of Chinese coffee comes out.