Coffee review

Basic roasting of coffee beans.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The first level: basic baking here refers to those who are familiar with the basic skills of roasting coffee beans and have the ability to bake raw coffee beans into commercially valuable coffee bean products. Having commercial value means that you already have basic baking skills, and the roasted coffee beans can be accepted and recognized by the market. If you think you can bake coffee, but you bake coffee beans besides yourself.

The first level: basic baking

This refers to those who are familiar with the basic skills of roasting coffee beans and have the ability to bake raw coffee beans into commercially valuable coffee bean products. Having commercial value means that you already have basic baking skills, and the roasted coffee beans can be accepted and recognized by the market. If you think you can bake coffee, but no one else is willing to spend money on the coffee beans you bake but yourself, then you only belong to the player's leisure nature, not even the first level of "basic roasting".

Level 2: adjust baking

If you have already reached the first level and are free to focus on the taste, flavor and details of each coffee bean or every batch of coffee beans. If you optimize and adjust your performance in all aspects, then you already belong to the second level of "adjusting baking"!

A coffee roaster at the "adjust roasting" level is familiar with the baking machines he uses and how to increase, highlight, weaken, or remove certain aspects of flavor performance without changing the baking degree.

Coffee roasters at the "adjust roasting" level have the ability to adjust the taste and perceptual elements of coffee beans at will, such as baking type, taste thickness, front, middle and back flavor, brightness, richness, sucrose sweet, caramel sweet, RoastDelta value, texture and touch, and is very familiar with the various sources and causes of salty, astringent and bitter taste, and knows how to remove or avoid unwanted taste. Bakers who reach the "adjust baking" level can adjust and optimize the flavor of each batch of coffee beans according to their baking blueprints and customer requirements.

The third level: art baking

When you have reached the second level, moving to the third level of the higher level is the only way. Art baking is the reconciliation and combination of reason and sensibility, and all the baking skills you know are no longer the protagonist. Rich skills, knowledge and experience no longer occupy your head. Coffee beans and baking flames are your canvas and brushes, showing the true soul, outlook on life, dreams, ideas and values.