Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor and taste of Lin Dong Manning Coffee from Sumatra Gold Manning, Indonesia

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Manning coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as Sumatran coffee. The main producing areas are Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra, 90% of which are Robusta species. Among them, the "Mantelin" produced in Sumatra is the most famous. The essence of Sumatra from northern Sumatra.


On the menu of Qianjie Coffee marked with half a hundred coffee beans, there are both sweet and sour coffee beans and rich and mellow coffee beans. Indonesia's Mantenin coffee beans, as one of the representatives of mellow taste, occupy a unique position on the bean list on the front street.

As the coffee is characterized by sticky and mellow taste and low dull aroma of herbs, many coffee lovers' love of this coffee bean is seriously polarized. those who like it can not put it down, and those who don't like it avoid it.

As we all know, "thermal knowledge" says, the origin of coffee is Ethiopia. The beginning of coffee cultivation in this island region of southeastern Asia also began with the arrival of Europeans.

As Europeans consume more and more coffee, the Dutch buy coffee beans from the port of Mocha and sell them to European countries at high prices. At the same time, the Dutch plan to grow coffee in their colonies to make higher profits. In the late 17th century and early 18th century, the Dutch introduced coffee to the West Java region of Indonesia for cultivation. Until 1726, about 50% to 75% of the world's coffee bean trade was in Dutch hands.


Since Indonesia has thousands of islands, not all coffee in the country tastes the same. In addition to Java, coffee beans from the Indonesian island of Sumatra are famous all over the world because of their heavy taste, low acidity, earthy, spicy and herbaceous aromas.

The uniqueness of Mantenin coffee flavor comes from the local unique post-processing method of raw coffee beans. Due to the perennial rain and high humidity in Sumatra, if the sun treatment is used, the coffee fruit may be scrapped because it is contaminated with Rain Water or even overfermented, so this does not meet the conditions for sun treatment.

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In addition, the water washing treatment method requires adequate water sources and sufficient funds at the same time, while the local economic conditions are limited and can not meet the requirements of complete washing. As a result, there is a wet planing treatment with Sumatran characteristics, which takes a short time to dry and uses less water in the process.

After removing the peel and pulp of the coffee fruit, the shell beans with viscous pectin will be placed in the pool for a short time for fermentation after a little cleaning. The longer the fermentation time is, the more sour it will be. Some treatment plants or estates even abandon the fermentation step and spread the shell beans evenly for drying, which not only suppresses the sour taste, but also improves the consistency of the taste.


When the shell beans enter the semi-dry and semi-wet state, the shell planer will be used to directly expose the raw coffee beans for drying. In many coffee treatments, the sheep skin is removed before the coffee bean approaches the exit. To a certain extent, sheep cortex serves as the protective layer of raw coffee beans, protecting raw coffee beans from external damage.

However, the local climate in Sumatra is too humid and it takes longer for coffee to dry. in this short period of time, keeping coffee at a high humidity will lead to bacterial infection and lead to the scrapping of coffee beans. And remove the sheep skin, let the sun shine directly on the surface of the raw coffee beans, and the raw coffee beans can be dried quickly.


In the process of removing the sheep skin, there is a great friction between the raw coffee beans and between the raw coffee beans and the machine, which may lead to the rapid aging of the coffee and the special flavors such as wood and soil in the Sumatran coffee.

In a large number of Mantenin coffee, friends can often hear the two terms "Golden Manning" and "Lin Dong Manning". There are also two kinds of coffee beans on the bean shelf of Qianjie coffee.

Many friends should have heard that the traditional Mantenin producing area should be near Lake dopa in the Lindong area. However, the yield of Aceh in North Sumatra is much higher than that in the east of the forest. Even so, this does not affect the Mantenin coffee beans produced in the two regions to give full play to the flavor of Sumatran coffee.


Qianjie Coffee has a range of rations and beans in many major coffee producing countries: Ethiopia, Guatemala, Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, China and Honduras. Most of the rations beans are treated by water washing treatment, without the addition of peel, pulp and pectin to the coffee flavor, exposing the most basic flavor of the producing area. The Mantenin coffee beans in the Qianjie coffee rations bean series, as a masterpiece of Sumatra in Indonesia, use the wet planing method, so that coffee rookies can appreciate the traditional flavor of Sumatra at an affordable price.


Another often mentioned Mantenin coffee bean is called "Golden Manning". The word "gold" reflects the high quality of this coffee bean. Qianjie starts with gold manning from PWN. PWN adopts extremely strict standards when producing gold mantenin. The size of raw coffee beans is more than 18 mesh, and the number of defects in every 300g raw bean sample is less than 3. On the basis of meeting the G1 grade, three manual selections are made to ensure that the defective beans are completely removed, so that the cleanliness of the taste can be extended as much as possible, and the sweetness is also stronger.

According to Qianjie, there are some lightly roasted Mantenin coffee beans on the market, thus showing the general sweet and sour feeling of fruit juice. However, the traditional Mantenin coffee flavor has a mellow taste because of its deep roasting. In order to present the traditional Mantenin flavor, Qianjie uses the degree of medium-depth baking when baking Mantenin.


When the baristas of Qianjie Coffee are brewing medium-and deep-roasted beans, in order to show a mellow taste and avoid bitterness caused by excessive extraction, the brewing parameters are as follows:

Filter cup: KONO

Water temperature: 88 degrees Celsius

Amount of powder: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:15

Grinding degree: the pass rate of Chinese standard No. 20 screen is 70%.

When the coffee beans are roasted, there is enough carbon dioxide in the coffee beans, so it is difficult to steadily extract a better flavor when brewing. On the other hand, the coffee beans freshly baked in Qianjie within 5 days have passed the breeding period of 4 to 7 days, but Qianjie suggests that steaming steps should be carried out when cooking to promote the discharge of carbon dioxide from coffee powder particles.


First inject 30 grams of hot water for steaming, inject fine water from the central point and slowly circle to 125 grams, and wait for the water level in the filter cup to drop to 225 grams. The total extraction time is about 2 minutes.

For more information about coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For professional coffee knowledge exchange, please add Wechat account kaixinguoguo0925.