Coffee review

Classification and Cultural Collection of Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee classification editor coffee trees can be roughly divided into five types, of which Arabica and Robusta are the more common. Arabica species, which account for more than 70% of the world's total output, are generally grown on slopes above 900 meters above sea level and are mostly found in tropical high-altitude areas such as Central and South America, East Africa, Southeast Asia and Hawaii. Its pleasant aroma and rich nourishment

Classified editing of coffee

Coffee trees can be roughly divided into five types, of which Arabica and Robusta are more common. Arabica species, which account for more than 70% of the world's total output, are generally grown on slopes above 900 meters above sea level and are mostly found in tropical high-altitude areas such as Central and South America, East Africa, Southeast Asia and Hawaii. Its pleasant aroma, rich taste, and the tree needs more manual care, the stability of temperature and humidity in the climate is also higher, so the price is more expensive. Robaxter, which is highly adaptable to the environment, accounts for 30% of the world's total output. Its flavor is mediocre and bitter, and more importantly, the content of caffeine is 2 to 3 times that of Arabica. Generally grow on the slope of 200 to 600 meters above sea level, the requirement of manual care is very low, so the price is relatively low, mostly used for canned and instant coffee.

* Jamaica (West Indies)

Jamaica is a republic of large and small islands in the Caribbean. Coffee is grown on the slopes of the mountains on Hengduan Island. The producing area can be divided into three regions: BM (Blue Mountain) and HM (High Mountain) and PW (washed coffee beans in Pulai), which are also the brand names of coffee. The ranking of quality and price is ①, ② and ③, while the ranking of production is ③, ② and ①. Among them, the flavor, aroma, concentration and sour taste of "Blue Mountain" are all very average and have a high evaluation. Almost all the products are sold to Japan.

Editor of Coffee Culture Collection

1. What is coffee? To put it simply, it is an ordinary drink, one of the three largest drinks in the world. The volume of global trade is second only to oil, and it is a more popular drink than tea in the world. Coffee is definitely not just an instant, monotonous drink, nor a coffee-flavored drink with a lot of milk, sugar, ice, etc.; coffee is something that can be tasted and felt slowly, just like Chinese tea.

2. Coffee gives birth to coffee culture. After 1615, Pennesia began to spread coffee to the whole of Europe. Of course, the strong heat of the land stock set off friction in various places. Drinks from Islamists are also brought to Christians in Rome. King Clement VIII of France at that time, although it was the devil's drink, it was so delicious. It's a pity to leave this drink to the heathen. " So he accepted the coffee for the Christians who came to be baptized. There are countless coffee houses in England, which are very popular in gentlemen's social places. Men are talking about politics, literature, business and so on. At that time, only men could enter the coffee shop, and some of them didn't even go home. So in 1674 many housewives petitioned to lock up the coffee shop. Turkish coffee also spread to France. It began when the Turkish ambassador offered coffee to Louis XIV in 1669. French upper-class society has also been influenced by charm and produced countless salons, resulting in brand-new literature, philosophy or art. The coffee culture also affected the general public, and the coffee on the street corner began to be filled with coffee, especially coffee, which was born in 1686. Brogob ". Because of Balzac, Rousseau and other cultures, people continue to gather, and are famous for intellectual salons.