Coffee review

Characteristics of taste and flavor of blue mountain coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are three grades of Blue Mountain Coffee in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica: blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee), Alpine Coffee (Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans) and Jamaican Coffee (Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans). Among them, Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee are each divided into two grades. From quality to quality

The kinds of Blue Mountain Coffee

There are three grades of coffee in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica: blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee), Alpine Coffee (Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans) and Jamaican Coffee (Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans). Among them, Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee are each divided into two grades. In terms of quality, the order from top to bottom is: blue Mountain 1, Blue Mountain 2, Gaoshan 1, Gaoshan 2, Jamaican Coffee.

Usually, coffee grown between 457m and 1524 m above sea level is called alpine coffee; coffee grown between 274m and 457m above sea level is called Jamaican coffee; and only coffee grown in blue mountain areas above 1800 m above sea level can be called Blue Mountain Coffee, which is several times higher in price than alpine coffee. Mainly distributed in John Crow,St.John's Peak,Mossman's Peak,High Peak,Blue Mountian Peak and other five peaks of the best blue mountain coffee planting and processing process is very exquisite, each of which is through the Jamaica Coffee Industry Bureau stringent quality management, seedlings, fertilizer, harvesting, cleaning, baking, packaging, etc., are all carried out in strict accordance with the relevant regulations. Only by passing the standard identification can we finally obtain the inspection certificate of "Blue Mountain Coffee" issued by the Jamaican Coffee Bureau. The caffeine content of this coffee is very low, less than half that of other coffees, and its taste contains all the advantages of coffee. It has a strong flavor, a smooth taste, a perfect blend of mellow, sweet, sour and bitter, and a long finish.

Blue Mountain coffee is shipped in wooden barrels, and Jamaica is the last country to still use this traditional packaging method. Since the production of Jamaican coffee is not large, only about 40,000 bags (60 kilograms each) each year, the gourmet Blue Mountain coffee has become particularly precious.