Coffee review

Different coffees are blended according to their performance in cups with different roasting degrees.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Another theory is to mix different coffees according to their performance in cups with different roasting degrees. No matter which type of coffee it belongs to, it has different flavor performance under different roasting degrees, and even the coffee with strong personality will have a strong personality under the deeper roasting degree, while the mild coffee with the least personality is not obvious at the shallow roasting degree.

Another theory is to mix different coffees according to their performance in cups with different roasting degrees. No matter which type of coffee it belongs to, it has different flavor performance under different roasting degrees, and even the coffee with strong personality will greatly reduce its strong personality under the deeper roasting degree, while the mild coffee with the least personality will show its indistinct personality characteristics under the shallow roasting degree. Matching according to different baking degrees is carried out under such understanding and understanding. But it also has a high requirement for the blender to accumulate the knowledge of baking, and the roasting technology needs to be skillful in order to make a good comprehensive coffee.

Both theories have their own reasons, but they also have their own limitations. The first one stubbornly divides coffee into different types, but ignores the performance of coffee flavor under different roasting degrees, while the second does not consider that each kind of coffee has its own most suitable roasting degree to achieve its own characteristics.

Blending is not a simple addition and subtraction. Blending requires baristas to have a correct understanding of the characteristics of each kind of coffee and the best flavor performance at which degree of roasting. On this basis, after continuous matching experiments, we can slowly find out the most suitable matching formula. But it should be said that there is no fixed rule on what proportion of A coffee must be mixed with what proportion of B coffee and C coffee is the best mixed coffee.