Coffee review

Can coffee be blended with different roasting degrees and varieties after roasting?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After the baking degree is unified, the next step is the proportional combination. Each kind of coffee is derived from a proportional combination. Forget the complex blending ratio and use proportional combinations for each kind of beans, because the beans are all in the same proportion, can be combined freely, and the taste fine-tuning becomes quite simple, which is the advantage of proportional coffee beans. A group of equal proportion for comprehensive coffee

After the baking degree is unified, the next step is the "proportional combination". Each kind of coffee is derived from a proportional combination.

Forget the complex blending ratio and use proportional combinations for each kind of beans, because the beans are all in the same proportion, can be combined freely, and the taste fine-tuning becomes quite simple, which is the advantage of proportional coffee beans.

Comprehensive coffee uses an equal proportion of combinations, but sometimes coffee beans are different between the old and the new. just like soba noodles, when he comes to autumn, he will replace all his coffee with freshly harvested buckwheat, so why not replace all his coffee with fresh raw beans? This is because even if it is the same coffee belt, the harvest time at the north and south of the equator is different, and sometimes the new beans have been available several months later because of the inventory adjustment in the production country.

The taste of new beans is wild and strong, and the taste is quite obvious when it is made into comprehensive coffee, so it should be double-roasted to lighten the taste and reconcile with other beans.

The advantage of mixed coffee is that it has a stable taste (the taste of individual coffee changes from year to year), but for minor adjustments, you can refer to the following order:

1 change the baking degree

2 double baking

3 change the proportion of the combination

4 change the origin of coffee beans

5 change the extraction method

The main purpose of 1 is to adjust the sour and bitter taste (light baking is sour, deep baking is bitter), and 2 is to remove astringency and reduce overly prominent taste. Adjust the taste to 1 is the most effective, just slightly change the baking in the best baking time band, the taste will make a big difference. If changing 1 and 2 is not enough, try changing the proportion of coffee beans. If the coffee is in an equal proportion, it can be easily adjusted.

If it still doesn't work, change the origin of the coffee, though, you can't just change a kind of coffee beans; if you replace type A Panama with a type D Kenya, the whole cup of coffee will taste worse.

The last step is to change the extraction method. Adjust the taste of coffee by changing the grinding method of coffee beans, water temperature and water volume.

There should be three or four kinds of beans for mixed coffee.

It is important to limit the variety of beans to three or four. There was a time when Manning with mocha, Brazil with Mexico, this kind of mixed coffee made from two kinds of coffee beans. This combination is not conducive to taste reproduction.

If only two kinds of beans are used in proportional combination, each kind of bean will play 50% of its personality, but if one of the beans is inferior, the chance of blending will be as high as 50%. With three combinations, the probability is 33%, and four is 25%, which means that the more beans you make, the lower the risk of failure, and the more stable the coffee flavor. On the other hand, if there are too many kinds of beans, the taste of coffee will become thin and lack personality; as a result, the purpose of making mixed coffee will lose the meaning of creating a new flavor. So the conclusion is that you can choose three or four kinds of beans.