Coffee review

An introduction to the blending of coffee with different proportions and quantities.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In order to match more than two kinds of coffee beans in quantity and proportion to produce a more attractive coffee flavor, it is necessary to mix them. According to Fulaigao coffee experts, there are generally 2-6 kinds of coffee beans for coffee blending. 1:1 is not recommended when matching. Because, the same amount of different kinds of coffee mixed together, can not show its flavor at all, and put together

Quantity and proportion

In order to match more than two kinds of coffee beans together to produce a more attractive coffee flavor, it is necessary to mix their proportions. According to Fulaigao coffee experts, there are generally 2-6 kinds of coffee beans for coffee blending. 1:1 is not recommended when matching. Because, the same amount of different kinds of coffee mixed together, can not show its flavor at all, and the flavor of the coffee beans is not good. The quantity and proportion of the blend should be determined according to the flavor and priority of the coffee, so that it can produce an excellent taste.

Matching plan

When blending coffee, you need to constantly taste different proportions and quantities of coffee, so you need to develop a blending schedule so that there will be no confusion. According to Fulaigao coffee experts, mixing a cup of coffee with excellent fengshui requires a mixer to make coffee with his own professional perspective and tireless attempt. First, choose coffee beans according to their flavor.

The flavor of coffee beans is affected by many factors, including its production origin, processing methods and so on. Therefore, these problems should be taken into account when blending. The first is the origin, there are three main producing areas of coffee in the world, including Central and South America, Southeast Asia and Arab Africa. Because the climate and soil conditions in these areas are different, the flavor of coffee is also different. Secondly, whether the processing method of coffee is washed or dry also has a great impact on the flavor of coffee. According to Fulaigao coffee experts, the flavor of coffee includes sour, bitter, sweet, alcohol and so on. Some coffee is bitter, some coffee is mellow, when blending, it should be matched according to the flavor of the coffee. Brazilian, Colombian and mocha coffee are the most commonly used. Coffee was loved by people from the moment it was discovered by human beings. In the long course of development, people keep developing coffee in order to taste more delicious coffee. Not only there are more and more kinds of coffee and more and more tools for making coffee, but also there are individual products and mixed products. A single cup of coffee means that a cup of coffee is made from a variety of coffee, while mixing is made by blending and seasoning a variety of coffee beans. Next, the Fulaigao coffee expert will introduce the matching in detail.

Some of the coffee beans used for blending are too strong or too weak and need to be mixed with other coffee varieties in order to brew a coffee flavor that is more attractive to people. Therefore, when blending, coffee beans should follow certain principles.