Coffee review

El Salvador coffee producing country with natural shaded woodland

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The country has 10 per cent forest cover, of which more than 80 per cent is natural shaded woodland, which is ideal for the planting of coffee trees (shade grown coffee), which is very important for the Central American ecological corridor (Central American Biological Corridor). But in 1970, a serious coffee leaf rust spot (coffee leaf rust disease) occurred in order to

10% of the country is covered with forests, of which more than 80% is natural shade forest land, ideal for the cultivation of coffee trees, this shade grown coffee is very important for the Central American Biological Corridor. But in 1970, coffee leaf rust disease developed, and many shade trees were cut down to allow coffee trees to get sun exposure! This causes great environmental damage! But the civil war also created a turning point for the environment!

Civil war in the 1980s led to attacks on the coffee industry by government forces, guerrillas and natural disasters.

The sharp drop in international green bean prices between 1986 and 1987 had a negative impact on the coffee industry. In fact, 80 years ago, coffee earned foreign exchange to support the country's clothing industry and also promoted the Ministry of Light Industry.

And government control of marketing and exports is even more detrimental to the entire industry! In Incaf's first year, coffee production fell from 175000 tons in 1979 to 141000 tons in 1986, directly because producers were reluctant to reinvest;Incaf 'e not only charged 50% of the export price for raw beans exported but often delayed payment! Natural disasters and man-made disasters have contributed to the opportunity of organic cultivation. Of course, producers also realize that good coffee has a good price. Under the consideration of substance and environmental protection, Saudi coffee has a good start!