Coffee review

Introduction of Costa Rican Fenghuang Coffee beans by Water washing

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Excellent Costa Rican coffee is called extra hard beans, and this kind of coffee can grow at an altitude of more than 1500 meters. Altitude has always been a problem for coffee growers. The higher the altitude, the better the coffee beans, not only because the higher altitude can increase the acidity of the coffee beans and thus increase the flavor, but also because the night temperature at the higher altitude is lower, which can make the trees grow slowly.

Excellent Costa Rican coffee is called "extra hard beans". This kind of coffee can grow above 1500 meters above sea level. Altitude has always been a problem for coffee growers. The higher the altitude, the better the coffee beans, not only because the higher altitude can increase the acidity of the coffee beans and thus increase the flavor, but also because the night temperature at the higher altitude is lower, which can make the trees grow slowly, thus the flavor of the coffee beans is stronger. In addition, due to the high altitude drop caused by sufficient rainfall, it is very beneficial to the growth of coffee trees.

Costa Rican coffee is full of Arabica beans, washed with water, its style is bright, fragrant, clear as wind chimes swaying in the breeze, mild acidity and sweetness. Because of the sweetness, even if the coffee gets cold, it tastes very good, which is a major feature of Costa Rican coffee. Therefore, it is recommended that you taste Costa Rican coffee with only a small amount of sugar and cream in order to enjoy its girlish flavor. Costa Rican coffee has full particles, ideal acidity and unique strong flavor. Costa Rica's coffee industry, originally controlled by the Costa Rican Coffee Industry Company (ICAFE), has been taken over by the official Coffee Committee (Oficinale Cafe). Among the exported coffee, those products that are considered to be of substandard quality are colored with blue vegetable dyes and then transferred back to China for sale. Coffee consumed domestically (dyed blue or undyed) accounts for about 10% of total production, and local per capita coffee consumption is twice that of Italy or the United States.

This coffee producer, with all grades and types of coffee, accounts for 1/3 of the world's coffee consumption and occupies a place in the global coffee market, although Costa Rica faces several times more natural disasters than other regions. but it has enough acreage to make up for it.

There are many kinds of coffee here, but its industrial policy is large and cheap, so there is not much premium coffee, but it is a good choice for mixing other coffees.

One of the most famous is Mountain Costa Rica Coffee, which tastes mellow and neutral. It can be boiled directly or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans to form a comprehensive coffee. It is also a good choice.