Coffee review

Many kinds of flower-scented Bolivian coffee manor snow vein manor introduces boutique coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Bolivia's high-quality estates, very high altitude, perennial low-temperature environment, so that coffee fruit growth is slow, tight enough, aroma is also charming, floral aroma is obvious, such as careful treatment, cherries with the same maturity, often have a clean and meticulous high-end taste, this elegant vanilla and honey aroma is very attractive, this champion bean has a variety of floral aromas, vanilla and sweet very long-lasting throughout Tak

Bolivia's high-quality estates, very high altitude, perennial low-temperature environment, so that coffee fruit growth is slow, tight enough, aroma is also charming, floral aroma is obvious, such as careful treatment, cherries with the same maturity, often have a clean and meticulous high-grade taste, this elegant vanilla and honey aromas are very attractive The flower aroma of this champion bean is very diverse, vanilla and honey are very long-lasting, the goal of planting coffee in the whole Takesi manor is 200ha, but only 13 hectares are planted and harvested very little Typica species, the annual output is only 120bags, this is not only exquisite agriculture, but a farming model that respects nature. Takesi is the name of the local aborigines, the place name and the snow water from the mountains, also known as Takesi, after the 2009 CoE final was published. Takesi is no longer nameless, arrogant and energetic! Dry fragrance: various flowers, sweet vanilla, full aroma, sweet spices, honey

Wet fragrance: flower fragrance, refreshing perfume, sweet chocolate, berries

Sipping: many kinds of floral aromas, excellent cleanliness and fineness, fine vanilla sweet, delicate sugar, peaches, apricots, sour and sweet, premium Burgundy red wines, vanilla plants, green apples, white grapefruit, essential oil aromas, delicate and smooth touch, sweet finish and long-lasting aromas.

Record of in-depth visit to coffee producing areas in Bolivia

Osher's cup tester has served as the international judge of every CoE national competition, in terms of road conditions and climate, and even visa difficulties, when Bolivia is the most, but her coffee is so fragrant, even if the beer is also full of wild honey sweet, drink at room temperature, that beer is like foaming caramel syrup, so far, the aftertaste is endless