Coffee review

Nicaragua SHG boutique coffee beans the most classic flavor of coffee from Matagalpa, Central America.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Like most Central American coffee-producing countries, Nicaragua grows very well, with most high-end coffee beans coming from high-altitude estates, and these beans represent SHG grade (Strictly High Grown). Most of Nicaragua grows traditional coffee varieties, such as Tibica, bourbon, National Treasure Coffee, etc., as well as some Caturra coffee trees.

Like most Central American coffee-producing countries, Nicaragua has good growing conditions. Most of the high-end coffee beans come from high-altitude estates, and these beans represent "SHG grade" (Strictly High Grown). Most of Nicaragua grows traditional coffee varieties, such as Tibica, Bourbon, National Treasure Coffee, etc., as well as some Caturra coffee trees. High-end Nicaraguan coffee has the most classic flavor of coffee: thick texture, clean taste and overall balance. SHG is the only coffee in Central America without sharp acidity. Nicaraguan coffee is often underestimated, such as Sinotega and Matagalpa, which are better than many Colombian coffees, while Segovia is also good, somewhat similar to Mexico's Oaxaca.