Coffee review

Strong-flavored mantenin espresso in Lindong producing area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Manning coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as Sumatran coffee. The main producing areas are Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra, 90% of which are Robusta species. Among them, the "Mantelin" produced in Sumatra is the most famous. The best of the exquisite traditional Arabica coffee produced in northern Sumatra of Sumatra is called Lindong Lintong and Mann.

Mantenin coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, otherwise known as "Sumatra coffee." The main habitats are Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra, 90% of which are Robusta species. The most famous of these is the "Mantelin" from Sumatra. The finest of the fine traditional Arabica coffees produced in Sumatra North are marketed under the titles Lintong and Mandheling. Lintong refers to coffee grown in a small area southwest of Toba Lake in Lindong Administrative District. Small coffee plantations are scattered over a high, undulating clay plateau filled with ferns. Lintong coffee is grown without shade, without chemicals, and almost exclusively owned by small owners. Mandheling is a more general term, encompassing Lintong Lindong coffee and similar conditions for Diari[capital Sidikalang], the northern growing area of Toba Lake.