Coffee review

Introduction to Santa Cruz Manor in the characteristics of Old Bourbon Ecuadorian Coffee Manor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Today, almost all of the Galapagos Islands coffee on the market comes from the third largest island of the Galapagos Islands in San Cristobar (San Cristbal Island). Santa Cruz Manor Coffee, as its name implies, comes from the second largest island, Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz Island). Santa Cruz Island is located in the very center of the Galapagos archipelago, and it is said that this geography

Today, almost all Galapagos coffee on the market comes from San Cristóbal Island, the third largest island in the Galapagos Islands. Santa Cruz Manor Coffee, as its name suggests, comes from Santa Cruz Island, the second largest island. Santa Cruz is right in the middle of the Galapagos archipelago, and it's said that this location creates a unique microclimate, so some people think that Santa Cruz coffee is sweeter and has a richer aroma than other Galapagos coffees, and when I got this bean, I was shocked by its shape. The green beans are very beautiful in shape, quite plump and large, comparable in size and defect rate to the beans of Sigri Estate in Papua New Guinea and Hilltop Farm in Australia. In 1869, the first owner of the Galapagos Islands, Mr Manuel Alcobos, wanted to find a crop suitable for growing on his farm. He invited a team of French agronomists to explore the area, and they eventually planted the first Arabica coffee trees in the Galapagos Islands. However, coffee cultivation in the Galapagos Islands was abandoned in 1915. In 1990, the Gonzalez family (the current owners of Santa Cruz Manor) discovered the abandoned farm and struck a deal with the then owners to begin rebuilding the coffee plantation. Origin: Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands

Tree species: 1875 Old Bourbon

Elevation: 375 meters, due to the special geographical location equivalent to an altitude of 1150 meters,

Rainfall: 1750 mm

Green bean treatment: washing treatment, sun drying

Other: Grown under shady trees, flowering in April-May, harvesting in December-February Santa Cruz still grows coffee varieties brought to it by French agronomists in 1875, so the coffee is more than 130 years old. These old coffee trees have now become one of the special symbols of Santa Cruz coffee. Galapagos laws prohibit the use of chemicals and pesticides on the island, so Santa Cruz Manor produces organic coffee.

Name: Santa Cruz Manor