Coffee review

A cafe with excellent environment and service.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Address: Jinhe Court rear seat A2 / Jiayu Sun City Plaza, 1819 Guangzhou Avenue North Tel: 29815152 I like the serenity here, it feels good to come here to think alone, and the environment is very good. There are also many books you can borrow here. In addition to the good environment and service, the product is not bad. The position is not too far away. It is sold at the price of starbucks.

Address: A2 / Jiayu Taiyang City Plaza, rear seat of Jinhe Court, 1819 Guangzhou Avenue North.

Tel: 020-29815152

Like the serenity here, it feels good to come here to think alone, and the environment is very good. There are also many books you can borrow here. In addition to the good environment and service, the product is not bad. The position is not too far away. It is sold at the price of starbucks.