Coffee review

Hankou Old time Cafe

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Walking along Li Huangpi Road from the beach of Hankou, under the shadow of French sycamore by the side of the road, a row of old houses with historical rhythm will appear in front of us. Here, there is a small shop with a small facade, but it is hidden in the style of a small French cafe. It is the Old time Cafe. When you push the door, you will be greeted by a knight in carved armor.

Walking along Li Huangpi Road from the beach of Hankou, under the shadow of French sycamore by the side of the road, a row of old houses with historical rhythm will appear in front of us. Here, there is a small shop with a small facade, but it is hidden in the style of a small French cafe. It is the Old time Cafe.

When you push the door, you will be greeted by a "knight" in carved armor. The bronze armor of the "knight" is marked with mottled marks. It is said that this was painted by the beautiful boss of the old days with a paintbrush. With the bronze rendering, it will add some flavor of the years.

Upon inquiry, I found out that the beautiful boss here was born in fine arts. The big murals on the stairs in the store, the English characters on the beams, and all kinds of portraits hanging on the walls were all painted by her own hands, which made people have to sigh with emotion about her orchid heart. At the same time, she bought all kinds of ingenious and interesting furnishings in the shop, including iron mailboxes embossed by galloping horses, hollowed-out carved cross lampstands hanging on the wall, and red vases with one ear. A strong European atmosphere is created everywhere. Set off the small, exquisite, warm and casual of the whole store.

The shop has three floors, and the area on the first floor is small. Customers can sit at about 5 tables. The most fascinating thing is the seat by the window! When the afternoon sun shines through the thick curtains and sprinkles on the embroidered tablecloth, reflecting with the dim light, the sense of serenity between light and shadow comes to mind.

Escalator up, the environment on the second floor is more private than the first floor, the distribution of four seats is more loose, here is more suitable for couples to drink alone. Especially the window seat a pot of scented tea, a plate of small, low talk or contemplation, time will slip by.

The third floor is more open than the first and second floors, and it can accommodate more customers. However, it is not yet open to customers.

Come here to party, there are teachers, students, civil servants and some exquisite white-collar workers, the sheepskin "menu" in the shop is very chic. Mainly introduce all kinds of coffee, tea and red wine to customers, as well as some snacks.

The flower and fruit tea in the shop is a special feature here, the current price is 50 yuan per pot, as the coffee shop is now in trial operation, the price may have to be adjusted in the future. Flower and fruit tea tastes sweet and sour, smells and tastes good, especially for several people, especially with home-made waffles or cookies!

Make a pot of tea or taste a cup of pure coffee, and half a day will slip between your fingers! (Ling Yan)