Coffee review

Landtmann, Vienna's specialty cafe

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, There are few cafes on Vienna's Ring Road that attract as much attention as Landtmann's, which stands next to the Town Hall and Castle Theater, the city's largest cafe.

(left) the open-air teahouse of the Longman Cafe, the flowers and bright red tablecloths outside attract tourists walking along the ring road. (right) Caffe latte, a heavy milk-flavored coffee imported from Italy, is elegant and beautiful with specially designed steel cup ear brackets.

Vienna Landtmann

-savor art and life

Always like to go alone when drinking coffee, love the stillness of the coffee shop, and reading alone with the aroma of coffee is one of the great things in life. In the mid-19th century, drinking coffee was originally a social activity for politicians in the caf é in Vienna, the capital of Austria, the birthplace of modern cafes in Europe. The coffee shop was the foothold of music artists or the spiritual residence of great writers and writers.

Few cafes are as popular as the Longman Cafe Landtmann on the Viennese Beltway, standing next to the city hall and the Castle Theatre. Just take the No.1 or 2nd tram line on the Beltway and you will find the largest cafe in the city.

The first thing that attracts visitors to the Longman Cafe is the open-air teahouse in front of the door, and no other cafe is more comfortable than Longman. The periphery is the beautiful flowers, with the sun shining so large teahouse, constitute a bright and gorgeous picture. Many tourists like to sit on the outskirts, watching magnificent buildings such as the Capitol, the City Hall Park and the Castle Theater, listening to the giggling of carriages carrying tourists around the boulevard, as if they were back in the heyday of the Habsburg dynasty.

Today, Longman is a special cafe for government officials and theatrical performers in Vienna. Many actors who have finished performing at the Castle Theater like to relax in nearby Longman and study the details of the next set of plays. On the other hand, city hall government officials prefer to have meetings in the indoor "conference cafe" to discuss the political situation and drink Longman's coffee to refresh themselves.

To get a taste of Vienna's political and performing anecdotes from another perspective, the Longman Cafe is the only choice.