Coffee review

Pacamara Coffee concentrated Latte Doppio Thai Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Pacamara Coffee is not far from Akha Ama Coffee on the same street, there is a similar coffee shop called Pacamara Coffee, a branch from Bangkok, is also a narrow facade, wood-framed transparent glass narrow door, directly on the outside of the brick wall painted white, inside there is a comfortable newspaper table, two boys (or girls) who can't tell the gender? ) in

Pacamara Coffee

On the same street not far from Akha Ama Coffee, there is a similar coffee shop called Pacamara Coffee, which is a branch from Bangkok. It is also a narrow facade, with a narrow wooden-framed transparent glass door, which is painted white directly outside the brick wall. Inside, there is a comfortable newspaper table, and there are two boys (or girls) who can't tell the gender. (drinking and playing with your cell phones there, young people in Thailand, you are so afraid of making the wrong conversation.

Dessert still looks like Thai make-up. Forget it. Coffee is the only criterion for testing cafes.

Two concentrated Latte Doppio (60B), iced cappuccino normal (55B) and Thai styled ice coffee (45B) were ordered. I didn't expect Thai iced coffee to be a surprise. In fact, it was nothing more than adding some local tea, similar to the feeling of frozen mandarin ducks in Hong Kong-style drinks. It makes sense to like it. Every time I go to a tea restaurant, I can't help but order mandarin ducks, infatuated with the ambiguous taste of the boundaries, and miss the divine milk tea shop on Mong Kok Road.

His home is relatively leisurely, but only the guests turn the table less frequently. I also take out my computer, but the table is really small, with a cup of coffee, a small notebook and an immeasurably small notebook. Rickety again. The coffee is delicious, and I put up with this kind of environment. I thought you were asked to work here. What's more, it's so cheap, where can you find a cup of coffee of this quality for 10 yuan in such a shop? Ethiopia roadside stalls 1 yuan of raw coffee is not within the comparable range, the baseline first pulled to the same latte standard.