Coffee review

Unique fragrant Ethiopian Coffee Manor Flavor and Taste characteristics of Fine Coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/19, In addition, it should be mentioned that most of them are produced by state-owned institutions, but the quantity is small and is not well known to the world. Teppi and Bebeka;Teppi, which are lightly described here, grow at an altitude of 3600-6200 feet, with an annual yield of about 50000 bagsamp60kg. Bebeka grows between 3000 and 3900 feet above sea level, with an annual output of about 30000bags/60kg, both of which are located in the lower parts of southwest Ethiopia.

In addition, it should be mentioned that most of them are produced by state-owned institutions, but the quantity is small and is not well known to the world. Only the understated Teppi and Bebeka;Teppi grow between 3600 and 6200 feet above sea level, with an annual output of about 50000bags/60kg. Bebeka grows at an altitude of 3000-3900 feet, with an annual yield of about 30000bags/60kg. They are planted in the lower part of southwest Ethiopia, almost as a blend on the Southern Ethiopian Plateau, 5700-7800 feet above sea level, located in the northwest of Sidamo province, around Lake Abaya, usually with obvious sweetness and loved by most people, with an annual output of about 225000bags/60kg. The bean body is smaller than Longberry and the color is green and gray. Most of them are washed In the washing plant, the coffee fruit is fermented in the storage tank full of water after harvest, and the workers use a simple wooden rake to stir it to facilitate the smooth cleaning. The washing plant always has a pungent acid fermentation smell and the sound of the fruits in the sink colliding with each other. After the fruit is sticky and soft, it is directly shelled and cleaned, leaving only the fruit covered with sheepskin. After the final washing, the fruit is dried directly outside the washing plant.

A complex with a taste similar to lemon and citrus, with excellent viscosity and complex flavor (I think it is sometimes suspected of being overemphasized and exaggerated because of its loud name, even though I like its flavor), most of them are exported to G2. Suitable for medium-baked Ethiopian coffee beans grow in close to the natural environment, after years of planting under the same growth conditions At present, Ethiopian coffee beans have gradually adapted to the environment here. More than 60% of coffee beans are grown in forests or semi-forests.

Large-scale coffee-growing villages account for about 35% of the country's total coffee production. These coffee farms, which use a multi-tier coffee planting system, are carefully cared for. Coffee farmers do not use chemical fertilizers, but use fallen leaves and animal and plant debris to increase soil nutrition. In addition to coffee, farmers also frequently grow non-coffee crops. Even manor coffee (coffee produced by state-owned farms), which accounts for 5% of the country's total coffee production, shows the characteristics of forest coffee production.

Located in the most advantaged natural conditions, Ethiopia produces unique high-quality coffee every year. Ethiopia's coffee growing cycle brings the joy of harvest to the country every year. Beautiful white coffee flowers will bloom and bear fruit every year from March to April. Only the reddest and ripe fruits are selected as coffee ingredients between September and about December. The export of new coffee begins in November or December every year.

A brief introduction to the flavor of coffee

Ethiopia has a unique flavor that is different from other flavors and provides customers all over the world with a wide range of taste choices.

In the highlands of southwestern Ethiopia, the Kaffa, Sheka, Gera, Limu and Yayu Senri coffee ecosystems are considered the hometown of Arabica coffee. These forest ecosystems also have a variety of medicinal plants, wild animals and endangered species.

The highlands of western Ethiopia have given birth to new varieties of coffee that are resistant to fruit disease or leaf rust. Ethiopia has many world-famous types of coffee. Some of the main types of coffee are famous for their unique aroma and flavor.