Coffee review

Fragrant and delicious Nicaraguan Coffee Manor Tianyi Manor Coffee flavor and taste characteristics of the producing area

Published: 2024-10-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/19, Since July 1927, Augusto. Cesar. Sandino led the people in a guerrilla war against the US occupation, forcing the US military to withdraw in 1933. On February 21, 1934, the Commander of the Nicaraguan National Guard, Anastacio. Somocha. Garcia assassinated Sandino at the behest of US President Roosevelt. He became president in 1936 and has been pro-American for more than 40 years since then.

Since July 1927, Augusto. Cesar. Sandino led the people in a guerrilla war against the US occupation, forcing the US military to withdraw in 1933. On February 21, 1934, the Commander of the Nicaraguan National Guard, Anastacio. Somocha. Garcia assassinated Sandino at the behest of US President Roosevelt. He became president in 1936 and established a pro-American "Cordillo" dictatorship for more than 40 years until 1979. In 1964, the Sandinista National Liberation Front (SPLF) was established to carry out a revolutionary struggle against the Somoza dictatorship. [3]

Modern history

The Government of National Revival was established on July 19, 1979, and the Constitution was abolished and Parliament was dissolved. [3]

Presidential and parliamentary elections were held on November 4, 1984. Daniel Ortega Saavedra was elected president. A new constitution was promulgated on January 9, 1987. [1]

Geographic environment editing

Geographical location

Nicaragua is located in the central part of Central America, bounded by Honduras in the north, Costa Rica in the south, the Caribbean Sea in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west, with a total area of 130400 square kilometers. [1]

Topography and geomorphology

The central north of Nicaragua is a highland; the east is a coastal plain with many jungle swamps and low-lying terrain; the west is a coastal lowland with many volcanoes and lakes in the east. [4]


The Nicaragua plain has a high temperature and rainy climate, and belongs to a tropical oceanic climate; in the western coastal lowlands, the precipitation is obviously less than that in the east, and there are dry and wet seasons, so it belongs to the savanna climate; the average annual temperature in the central highlands is 18 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 1500 ℃ 2500 mm, with the rainy season from May to December. [1]

Natural resources editor

Nicaragua is one of the major gold-producing countries in Latin America. It has been proved to have 106 gold veins, with an annual output of 70,000 ounces, ranking 13th in the world. Other minerals include silver, antimony, zinc, copper, lead and so on. Rich in geothermal resources. There are two oil deposits. Forests account for 43% of the country's area, exporting pine and mahogany. Fish and shrimp and other rich aquatic products when tasting Nicaraguan coffee, it is best to drink a mouthful of cold water, so that you can better feel its mellow taste. Drink coffee while it is hot, because the tannins in Nicaraguan coffee are easy to change during cooling, and the taste becomes sour, which will affect the flavor of the coffee. You can add the right amount of sugar, and then add cream. Enjoy a cup of high-quality Nicaraguan coffee, you can not only experience the different levels of coffee taste, but also help to improve the ability to appreciate coffee.

Nicaraguan coffee Nicaragua coffee flavor characteristics: moderate acidity, fragrant and delicious.

Nicaraguan coffee of high quality is in the forefront of coffee beans in the world and enjoys a good reputation. Its particles are moderate in size, mild in taste and very aromatic and mellow.

Nicaragua is located in central Central America, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The highlands in the north and the coastal plains in the east are part of the Central American volcanic belt. The eastern plain is high-temperature and rainy, with a tropical maritime climate. The suitable climate provides an excellent growth environment for the cultivation of coffee.

High-quality Nicaraguan coffee, grown in the north and middle of the country. Coffee is a pillar industry in Nicaragua, producing nearly 100,000 tons of coffee beans every year. Many people who have tasted Nicaraguan coffee usually think that it is no different from Salvadoran coffee or Honduran coffee. It is full-bodied, smooth and delicate, with a slightly bitter finish, like a faint taste in a wine.

In many countries, coffee production will be seriously affected for political reasons. Nicaraguan coffee industry is no exception. The 1979 revolution forced coffee planters to flee to Miami. A period of indecision followed, when the government considered whether to redistribute land, including many plantations, which led to a shortage of coffee and a decline in production, from more than 1 million bags in the early 1970s to less than 600000 bags in 1990. Now the Government has opened up the coffee industry and private owners have taken control of the market. The best coffee is produced in Sinotega and Novo Segovia in Matagalpa. It has moderate acidity, delicious aroma and is very lovely.

"Nicaragua | Nicaragua Coffee Nicaragua coffee Nicaragua Coffee Bean"

Nicaragua is now one of the poorest countries in Central America. Due to its poor economic foundation, the coffee industry is still relatively backward, while coffee farmers are in extreme poverty. Fortunately, Nicaraguan coffee has received some foreign aid funds to improve the quality of its coffee. The coffee produced in Nicaragua's Madagelba, Sinodega and Segovia is highly respected by coffee lovers all over the world. The coffee produced in Madaguelba, in particular, tastes very similar to Kenyan AA coffee.