Coffee review

Sour and bright Nicaragua Los Congo Manor Coffee Manor Fine Coffee

Published: 2024-10-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/19, Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule

Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule, the economy of the big manor developed to a certain extent, and vegetable cattle, cocoa and indigo became the main products. It was colonized by Spain in 1525. In the middle of the 17th century, Britain occupied the Mosquito coast and declared it a British protectorate until the signing of the London Agreement with Spain in 1786. [3]

Declare independence

On September 15, 1821, Nicaragua got rid of the Spanish colonial shackles and declared its independence. He briefly joined the Mexican Empire from 1822 to 1823. He joined the Union of Central America from 1823 to 1838. [3]

Build a nation

In 1839, Nicaragua established a republic. In 1912, the United States established a military base in Nicaragua. [3]

War affairs

Since July 1927, Augusto. Cesar. Sandino led the people in a guerrilla war against the US occupation, forcing the US military to withdraw in 1933. On February 21, 1934, the Commander of the Nicaraguan National Guard, Anastacio. Somocha. Garcia assassinated Sandino at the behest of US President Roosevelt. He became president in 1936 and established a pro-American "Cordillo" dictatorship for more than 40 years until 1979. In 1964, the Sandinista National Liberation Front (SPLF) was established to carry out a revolutionary struggle against the Somoza dictatorship. [3]

Modern history

The Government of National Revival was established on July 19, 1979, and the Constitution was abolished and Parliament was dissolved. [3]

Presidential and parliamentary elections were held on November 4, 1984. Daniel Ortega Saavedra was elected president. A new constitution was promulgated on January 9, 1987. [1]

Geographic environment editing

Geographical location

Nicaragua is located in the central part of Central America, bounded by Honduras in the north, Costa Rica in the south, the Caribbean Sea in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west, with a total area of 130400 square kilometers. [1]

Topography and geomorphology

The central north of Nicaragua is a highland; the east is a coastal plain with many jungle swamps and low-lying terrain; the west is a coastal lowland with many volcanoes and lakes in the east. [4]


The Nicaragua plain has a high temperature and rainy climate, and belongs to a tropical oceanic climate; in the western coastal lowlands, the precipitation is obviously less than that in the east, and there are dry and wet seasons, so it belongs to the savanna climate; the average annual temperature in the central highlands is 18 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 1500 ℃ 2500 mm, with the rainy season from May to December. [1]

Natural resources editor

Nicaragua is one of the major gold-producing countries in Latin America. It has been proved to have 106 gold veins, with an annual output of 70,000 ounces, ranking 13th in the world. Other minerals include silver, antimony, zinc, copper, lead and so on. Rich in geothermal resources. There are two oil deposits. Forests account for 43% of the country's area, exporting pine and mahogany. Fish and shrimp are rich in aquatic products [sea pull] more than 1400m.

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[raw bean treatment] washing and fermentation, the latter part of the scaffolding is insolated.

Nicaragua has a low flavor, chocolate, caramel sweetness, obvious almond flavor and bright sour taste, which is different from the rising tone of bright fruit acid in Central America. The coffee planting ecology of Nicaragua has a unique environment, spread all over the fertile volcanic soil, coupled with shading planting methods, has established a good growth physique, so that Nicaraguan beans not only have rich mellow but also fragrant taste, in the eyes of international coffee experts as high-quality, and gradually attracted the attention of the boutique industry.

Madriz is an ecological coffee with a very hard shell. In the pure natural planting environment, it uses more complex operations to maintain the delicate aroma and taste of the coffee; it is produced in northern Nicaragua between Matagalpa and Jinotega, with an average annual rainfall of 1500-1700mm and a temperature of 20-29 degrees Celsius. All of them choose coffee manually, and the cost of labor and time alone is much higher than that of ordinary beans.