Coffee review

Panamanian boutique coffee bean jade manor coffee flavor with excellent acidity and floral fragrance

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The Panamanian people have fought hard for more than half a century to regain the sovereignty of the canal. On November 8, 1903, the United States forced newly independent Panama to sign a special agreement between the two countries on the construction of a navigable canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, at the low cost of paying a lump sum of $10 million and an annual rent of $250000 nine years later.

The Panamanian people have fought hard for more than half a century to regain the sovereignty of the canal. On November 8, 1903, the United States forced newly independent Panama to sign a special agreement between the two countries for the construction of a navigable canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, at a low cost of a lump sum of $10 million and an annual rent of $250000 nine years later. Obtain the right to dig the canal separately and the permanent lease of the canal. The Panama Canal was built in 1880 and completed in 1914 with a total length of 81.3 kilometers. The zone extending 16.09km from the canal to both sides is the canal zone, covering an area of 1432 square kilometers. The canal was officially opened in 1920, shortening the voyage between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean by more than 10,000 kilometers, which is of great strategic and economic value. After the canal was drilled, the canal zone became a "state in the country", raising the American flag, implementing American laws, and the president of the United States appointed the governor of the canal zone government. There are also 14 military bases and various military schools, as well as the United States Southern Command.

After the persistent struggle of the Panamanian people, the United States was forced to amend the treaty in 1936 and keep increasing rents. In 1960, US President Dwight Eisenhower agreed to fly the Panamanian flag in the canal zone, but the later agreement to fly the American flag was boycotted by Americans in the canal zone.

On January 9, 1964, in order to safeguard national sovereignty and national dignity, a Panamanian student bravely carried the national flag into the canal zone, raised the national flag, and was shot and killed by the US garrison. This outrage prompted 30,000 Panamanians to march into the canal zone, insisting that the Panamanian flag be raised in the canal zone. The US military carried out a bloody crackdown, killing and injuring more than 400 people in two days. Angry Panamanians immediately attacked the US embassy and burned the US press office. On January 10, the Panamanian government severed diplomatic relations with the United States and announced the abolition of the Canal Treaty. Strikes, strikes and classes were held in many cities across the country to protest against the atrocities in the United States. On January 12, 100,000 people held a grand funeral for the heroic patriotic youth, and the slogan "Down with US imperialism" shocked the earth. In 1965, the Panamanian government designated January 9 as a "national day of mourning". The just struggle of the Panamanian people has won strong support from hundreds of millions of people all over the world, especially from Latin America and Asia and Africa.

Under the circumstances, the United States was forced to agree to negotiate a new canal treaty with Panama. During the negotiations, the United States tried to maintain its control of the canal zone under the promise of Panama to exercise its sovereignty over the canal. In June 1967, the United States and Pakistan agreed on three new treaties, which explicitly abolished the Treaty of 1903, but did not touch the fundamental interests of the United States, so they were strongly opposed by the Panamanian people. In September 1970, Panama finally rejected the 1967 draft U.S.-Pakistan treaty. After Torrijos came to power, with the support of the people, he publicly demanded to recover the jurisdiction of the Canal Zone many times.

Panama's geographical advantage is that it has many distinctive microclimate areas suitable for coffee cultivation, and Panama also has many persistent and professional coffee growers. This means there will be a lot of very good coffee in Panama, but these coffees are often associated with high prices.

The high price of coffee in Panama is mainly caused by the following factors:

Land price: for the people of North America, they very much want to buy a stable and beautiful land at a low price. Panama is such a place;

More farmers in Panama grow export coffee in the name of manors to emphasize that there are many excellent estates in the Pokuit producing area, except the famous Emerald Manor and Alida Manor. Aqaba Manor and so on are famous manors, all of which produce high-quality boutique coffee. This is not only due to the superior ecological conditions of the Pokuit region of Panama and the fertile volcanic ash soil of the Baru volcanic land. Another important factor is that the microclimate in the Poquet Heights of Panama is a unique and important resource for boutique coffee in the Pokuit region. This is the Panamanian environment from east to west that allows cold air to converge above 6500 feet through the Central Mountains, thus creating a variety of microclimates in the Pokuit region, making its temperature and rainfall very suitable for plant growth. so the coffee trees grown here grow very well.

In Poquet's unique planting environment, there is naturally not only the rose summer of emerald, the king of coffee, regardless of flavor, quality and value, but I think it is quite extravagant to drink rose summer every day, and even if there is no economic pressure, it is not like eating shark's fin and bear's paw every day. The same is true of coffee. Only by dabbling in a wide range of subjects can you enjoy the pleasure of tasting coffee more.