Coffee review

Balanced, soft El Salvador coffee estate region Flavor Taste Features Mercedes estate Introduction

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Judicial power in El Salvador is exercised by the Supreme Court, the Office of the Attorney-General, etc. The Supreme Court consists of 15 judges (including the President) elected by Parliament. The President of the Supreme Court is elected for a term of five years and may be re-elected. Judges are elected for a term of nine years and one third of them are elected every three years. The Attorney General is elected by Parliament for a term of three years and may be re-elected. Oscar Armando Pineda Navas, President of the Supreme Court

The judicial power of El Salvador is exercised by the Supreme Court, the Procurator-General's Office, etc. The Supreme Court is composed of 15 judges (including the President) and is elected by Parliament. The President of the Supreme Court shall serve for a term of five years and shall be eligible for re-election. Judges are appointed for a term of nine years, with 1/3 re-elected every three years. The Attorney General shall be elected by Parliament for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-election. Oscar Armando Pineda Navas (Oscar Armando Pineda Navas), president of the Supreme Court, took office in August 2014. Attorney General Sonia Cortez de Madeleine (female, Sonia Elizabeth Cort é z de Madriz), took office in January 2010 and was re-elected in January 2013. [1]

Political party

Frente Farabundo Mart í parala Liberaci ó n Nacional, the ruling party. In October 1980, the "Farabundo Marty people's Liberation Army", the "National Resistance Forces", the "people's Revolutionary Army", the Central American Labor Revolutionary Party and the Communist Party of El Salvador jointly formed an armed front against the government. In January 1992, the Front signed a Peace Agreement with the Government and became a legitimate political party in December. In June 1995, all parties within the Front uniformly formed the "Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front" party. Three elections were lost in 1994, 1999 and 2004, and the party's candidate Funes won the presidential election in March. By January 2016, the party had about 120000 members.

The National Republican Alliance (Alianza Republicana Nacionalista), the main opposition party. It was founded by Roberto D'Abuisson in September 1981 and officially registered in January 1982. Was in power from 1989 to 2009

El Salvador's coffee accounts for 40% of the country's exports, and it is usually picked in November, December and January-March of the following year. The export of raw beans lasts almost all year round. Coffee is produced in seven of the country's 14 provinces, with the largest number in the northwestern provinces of chalatenango and santa ana. El Salvador produces 100% Arabica coffee, 68% of which is bourbon, which usually grows at an altitude of 1062 Mel 1972 meters. On the other hand, El Salvador has a unique mountain, river and plateau, which provides a suitable environment for the growth of bourbon coffee. At the same time, El Salvador's suitable temperature, abundant precipitation and fertile soil are also indispensable natural conditions for breeding high-quality coffee beans. Like other typical island beans, Salvadoran coffee is balanced, soft and good in texture.

Central American countries generally distinguish quality grades by altitude, such as Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras and other countries. Similarly, El Salvador is graded by altitude. At high altitudes, due to the cold climate and slow coffee growth, the density of raw beans will be higher, the hardness will be stronger, the unique acidity of Arabica will be better, and of course the better the quality will be. Therefore, the higher the altitude of coffee growth, the better the flavor, on the contrary, the lower the altitude, the higher the temperature, the faster the growth rate, the lower density, the lower hardness and the worse quality of raw beans.

So much for the introduction of Savaldo, so let's go back to the original topic: what surprised me?

The first El Salvador to drink is washed beans, medium-shallow baked, warm and gentle, smooth entrance, sour and sweet mellow thickness are very regular, do not have too prominent flavor characteristics, so do not leave too much impression. But the flavor of tanning El Salvador becomes very recognizable and amazing. After grinding, the dry aroma gives off a pleasant tropical fruit aroma, followed by steaming, extraction, and until the end, a steady stream of jackfruit aroma. As soon as the extraction is over, I can't wait to take a sip. Strawberries, brown sugar, faint spices, and then two more sips, the creamy taste can be described with an advertising phrase-"silky at the moment." . This country is a small coffee-producing country, which is very suitable for honey treatment and solarization. On the whole, honey treatment and sun treatment have also given a new soul to El Salvador. The long-lasting taste is rich, sweet and sour, chocolate, unique tropical fruit notes, let people remember deeply.