Coffee review

Introduction to the coffee flavor and taste characteristics of the clean and clear Louise Manor in Panama

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Panama is rich in forest resources and has many tree species, including valuable wood such as mahogany, cedar, teak, mahogany, and cedar. The forest area of eastern Dalian Province is the most widely distributed, but it has not been fully developed due to lack of market and for reasons such as national defense and protection of the natural ecological environment. [5] according to FAO estimates in 2010, the forest area of Panama is 4.29 million hectares, accounting for the land area.

Panama is rich in forest resources and has many tree species, including valuable wood such as mahogany, cedar, teak, mahogany, and cedar. The forest area of eastern Dalian Province is the most widely distributed, but it has not been fully developed due to lack of market and for reasons such as national defense and protection of the natural ecological environment. [5] according to FAO estimates in 2010, the forest area of Panama is 4.29 million hectares, accounting for 57 per cent of the land area. Panamanian land use: arable land accounts for 8.9 per cent, permanent pastures account for 20.0 per cent, forests and woodland account for 43.0 per cent, and others account for 28.1 per cent. Panama is rich in mineral resources, but it is not exploited much and the mine is small. The main minerals are gold, silver, copper, iron, mercury, bauxite, manganese, salt, oil and so on. The reserves of copper, salt and bauxite are relatively large. As of 2013, Panama has more than 200 million tons of copper ore, ranking fourth in the world. Condor is the national bird of Panama and the heaviest of all kinds of eagles. With several upright feathers on its head, the eagle looks like a horn from afar and is very powerful in Panama city, on the peninsula near the mouth of the Pacific bank of the Panama Canal. Facing the Gulf of Panama and backed by the Ankang Valley, the city is picturesque. Originally an Indian fishing village, the old city was founded in 1519 and became the capital after Panama declared its independence from Colombia in 1903. The current Constitution of Panama, with a total population of 1.71 million in 2010, entered into force on 11 October 1972, after four amendments in 1978 and 1983, 1994 and 2004. The Constitution stipulates that the three powers of the state are separated and that the President is the head of state and shall be elected by direct election for a term of five years without re-election, but may run for another term. On October 4, 1994, the Pakistani parliament stipulated the abolition of the army and the establishment of a police force. In October 2004, the Constitution made another important amendment, requiring the National Assembly to change its name to the "National Assembly"; the Constituent Assembly as the third way to amend the Constitution; abolishing the post of Vice President; and members are free to nominate for election. Each member retains only one alternate.

Panama's geographical advantage is that it has many distinctive microclimate areas suitable for coffee cultivation, and Panama also has many persistent and professional coffee growers. This means there will be a lot of very good coffee in Panama, but these coffees are often associated with high prices.

The high price of coffee in Panama is mainly caused by the following factors:

Land price: for the people of North America, they very much want to buy a stable and beautiful land at a low price. Panama is such a place where the famous beans in Alida Farm are also his washed beans, which taste clean and clear, with a floral aroma. At present, Alida Farm Garden tries a variety of treatment methods, including water washing treatment, sun treatment and honey treatment of coffee beans, it is worth mentioning that Alida farm honey treated coffee beans, a combination of sun treatment and water washing method. The fresh coffee berries were directly fermented after removing the outer pericarp, which not only kept the taste clean, but also got the fruity and wine aroma produced by the sun treatment.

The particles of this coffee bean are not large and round. Due to the use of honey treatment, the middle line of the beans is not clear. There are obvious traces of sheepskin outside the beans, and the color is green.

The beans can be baked in medium and shallow and come out near the end of an explosion to retain their rich flavor while ensuring that Panama has one of the highest volcanoes in Central America: Mount Baru. The Baru volcano has an altitude of more than 3474 meters, and the surrounding land is nutritious and balanced, providing sufficient conditions for the sowing and cultivation of Panamanian coffee. Cold air streams converge and flow above 2262 meters in the Central Mountains, creating a variety of microclimates in the Bouquete and Volcan regions. The microclimate of the Panamanian highlands, as well as fertile soil, abundant precipitation, suitable temperature and height, have become a unique resource for the cultivation of quality coffee in Panama.

Bokuidi is a small town in the westernmost province of Chiriki in Panama. it has always been the most high-profile coffee producing area in Panama, and the surrounding mountains are known as the "promised land for coffee". The coffee paradise of Panama has given birth to a lot of high-quality coffee and created many top coffee estates. there are numerous coffee stars, some of which are enough to make coffee gluttons salivate. This time, I would like to share with you the La Esmeralda Manor, that is, the Emerald Manor in Bokuidi. And Elida Manor.