Coffee review

Introduction to the Coffee Variety producing area of Clean, lively and sour Caesar Louis Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Panama is grown in the western part of the country, near Costa Rica and the Pacific Ocean. The Boquet district of Chiriqui province is the most famous for its coffee, as well as Wakan, Santa Clara and Kendra. Other areas include David, Remacimeinto and Bugaba.

China Coffee Network

The finest coffee in Panama (Panama) is grown in the west of the country, near Costa Rica and the Pacific Ocean. The Boquet district of Chiriqui province is the most famous for its coffee, as well as Wakan, Santa Clara and Kendra. Other areas include David, Remacimeinto, Bugaba and Tole. Only coffee grown at elevations between 1300 and 1500 meters above sea level is considered special coffee.

The Boquet region of Panama, located in the province of CHIRIQUI on the border with Costa Rica, is home to Panama's famous GEISHA coffee and is famous for producing high-quality Arabica coffee. Tedman & McIntyre (TEDMAN&MACINTYRE ESTATE), located in the mountain area of Poggett 4000 feet above sea level, comes from the two earliest coffee families in Panama, the Tedman family and the McIntyre family.

Panamanian coffee originated in 1780, when European immigrants introduced the first Tipica tree species. Located in Central America, with the natural advantages of sunshine, land and mountains, coupled with a sufficient working population, the region is an excellent area for growing and producing high-quality boutique coffee, and it is a paradise for coffee. In particular, Geisha coffee from Panama has led to a global trend of paying attention to boutique coffee, which has successfully attracted global interest in Panamanian coffee. Boquete is the oldest and most famous coffee producing area in Panama. It is located on the east side of Mount Baru and is a plateau with an average elevation of about 1000-2000 meters. Among them, "Baru Volcano National Park" (Volcan Baru National Park) is an ecological conservation area, which is very rich in biodiversity and has a variety of microclimates. In addition, it is shrouded in mist all the year round and abundant rainfall, which creates good local cultivation conditions, which makes Boguet coffee with a unique aroma and is the producing area with the highest output and the best quality of Panamanian coffee. Every harvest season, coffee farmers will use the refined method of washing and drying in the sun to make the raw beans full and pure flavor.

(flower fragrance, sweet orange, pineapple, pineapple, vanilla, lively fragrance) famous producing areas of Panama, beans for many contestants

Hartman's story, like his coffee, is legendary. Hartman Manor is located in Chilidge, Santa Clara. The founder's name is Eloise Strauss Hartman. He was born on June 20, 1891 in the Moravilla region of Austria and Hungary in what is now the Czech Republic, and died on May 25, 1970 at the age of 78. Today's Hartman Manor is a family business founded by Latip Hartman (son of Eloise) in 1940. In 1966 Latip married Dinola Sandy of Costa Rica. They have five sons, Latipa Jr., Alan, Alexander, Alice and Kelly. Each family member is responsible for the growth management, harvesting and handling of the coffee and the visit to the manor. A family estate that has grown coffee for more than 100 years is a legend in itself.

The family business has a state cup testing laboratory and a sample baking room. Rigorous cup test of each batch of coffee fruit. This ensures that the coffee quality at Hartman Manor is stable and is always looking for progress. Their scientific attitude towards coffee and nearly 100 years of family experience ensure their excellent production.

Panama Panama

Manor: Lerlda Estate Lot10, lot 10 of Lilida

Treatment method: White honey treated Honey

Variety: Kaduai Catuai

Score and cup test CuppingScore:87

Lime,floral coconut,clean,sparkling,mediumbody

Small lime, coconut flowers, clean, lively acid, medium mellow thickness "

The unique treatment of Colombian red wine

Columbia Colombia

Manor: Nubia NUBIA, ANATOLI3- ­