Coffee review

Coffee marketing plan book on the road

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Preface to the marketing plan book of coffee on the road: the coffee shop on the road is located at the confluence of Zhuxi Avenue and Castle Peak Road. In order to further develop its market potential and improve its reputation and popularity, our Zero Planning Group made a marketing plan for the coffee shop on the road. First, market background: 1. As a provincial capital city, Nanning has a special market position. two。 It is the political economy of Zhuang nationality in Guangxi.

Coffee marketing plan book on the road


The coffee shop on the road is located at the confluence of Zhuxi Avenue and Castle Peak Road. In order to further develop its market potential and improve its reputation and popularity, our Zero Planning Group has made a marketing plan for the coffee shop on the road.

First, the market background:

1. As a provincial capital city, Nanning has a special market position.

two。 It is the political, economic and cultural center of the Zhuang nationality in Guangxi, with a good economic foundation and cultural heritage.

3. There are many well-known enterprises in the city, forming a certain scale of white-collar consumer groups.

4. Nanning coffee market development is relatively late, people's concept of coffee is relatively vague, consumption habits are not prominent.

5. At present, the coffee operation in Nanning has formed a certain scale, and the leading brand Mingdian coffee chain stores, Shangdao coffee chain stores and old tree chain stores, which are well-known and well-known in the urban area of Nanning, are estimated to account for a large part of the market share in Nanning.

6. With the further development of economy and culture, coffee consumption, as a new form of leisure and entertainment, has a broad market prospect.

Second, analysis of the current problems of coffee on the road:

Through the preliminary market survey, we summarize the following problems.

(1) the market is not well known

1. Location: far away from the urban area.

two。 The degree of attention is poor.

3. The publicity is not enough, and the understanding of the target consumer group is low.

(2) low passenger flow and small profit margin

1. The layout of the store is poor.

two。 Poor sense of space

(3) there are fewer types of products and less choice for customers.

(3) the market competitiveness is not strong

1. The overall positioning is not clear.

two。 Poor customer maintenance

3. Brand characteristics are not prominent, lack of characteristics.

(4) weak sense of service

1. The shop assistant's dress is not uniform and lacks the sense of beauty.

two。 There is no uniform service standard.

Third, comprehensive comparative analysis:

(1) its own advantages on the road:

1. Environment: the unique taste on the road, the overall environment of the storefront is good, the style is chic, clean and elegant, suitable for rest and talks.

1) the space setting is private. Secret space settings, there is a basic sense of security in some business or whispering conversations; the store's semi-open cubicle and separate lighting make it comfortable.

2) the design style in the store is simple and original, with a fresh feeling of returning to nature.

3) having a large and convenient parking space is more attractive to those who own cars.

4) other: the store has complete hardware facilities, unlimited Internet access by computers, various magazines, small friends, business gatherings, etc.

two。 Coffee product quality: high quality "ground coffee", each cup of coffee is a beautiful story. The use of advanced extraction technology, so that the quality and taste of coffee are excellent.

3. Price: the price of coffee on the road is the same as that of the same industry, and the price of some other drinks is lower than that of other coffee shops, which still has a certain advantage in price.

4. Market: there are excellent target consumer group resources, especially mature residential areas and high-end residential areas are still in an undeveloped state.

(2) its own disadvantages on the road:

1. Environment:

1) the style is not clear. The style of furnishings in the store is not unified, the music played is not in harmony with the environment, and there is no clear decoration style. at present, the furnishings in the store are still slightly stiff.

2) ignore the details and lack of embellishment.

Lack of in-store food recommendations and special coffee promotion:

The decoration in the store can not be changed in time, no freshness, lack of seasonality, no sense of intimacy.

3) products: at present, the variety of products on the road is relatively single, with the exception of coffee, the quality and variety of products are difficult to compare with competitors. This is difficult to attract more customers in Nanning, where the current coffee culture is not very popular. If you want to take coffee as the main product, it will be a long process to achieve high consumption.

4) concept:

Face yourself squarely and consider yourself. To solve the problem, you must first find the reason from yourself.

Take measures in accordance with local conditions, and the methods should be adapted to local conditions:

Everything should be based on the interests of customers.

In order to give full play to the advantages of the road, we must understand our own shortcomings and the strengths of competitors, solve the problem from the perspective of consumers, and start with improving ourselves on the road and exploring consumer demand in order to achieve results.

Fourth, the reasons for the unsuccessful operation:

(1) Brand factor. The degree of brand dependence of coffee consumption is very high. Consumers not only consume products such as coffee, but also show a kind of taste, experience a kind of culture, and place a kind of emotion. This is why consumers are willing to pay dozens of yuan for a small cup of coffee. However, the connotation of "on the road" is not enough, external general, it is difficult to meet the high-level needs of consumers, especially in business and communication.

(2) management factors. Lack of advanced, standardized and systematic management concepts and means, the level of service is general, it is difficult to get to the next level, and consumers can not fully reflect their consumption value.

(3) product factors. Product quality is the basis of brand and sales, while the variety of products on the road is single and insipid, which is difficult to meet the various needs of consumers.

(4) sales consciousness. Do not actively find and stabilize customer resources, basically waiting for the rabbit. As a result, the attendance of our store is not high all the time.

Fifth, promotion strategy

(1) Market strategy

(1) Target market

There are petty bourgeoisie consumers in the business circle in this region, with a monthly income of more than 1200 yuan, most of whom are well educated and pursue fashion and taste, mainly young and middle-aged. It also includes some student couples.

(2) Marketing planning

● makes use of the advantages of "Ding GE" brand and resources to quickly establish popularity and reputation on the road, stabilize the source of regular customers, and will be won back by the diversion of strong brand stores and local characteristic stores.

● on the island, Mingdian is a strong brand, but not the most powerful, and there are likely to be other strong brand coffee shops in the region in the future. Therefore, we must make use of all the opportunities and resources to do a good job in service marketing, with more humane services, build our own brand and consolidate consumer loyalty.

(2) location

Local business district, leisure-based brand coffee shop, business communication, emotional exchange of fashion places.

(3) Promotion plan

At present, the most important thing is to establish the popularity of our store as soon as possible, so that we can be known to nearby consumers.

1) Advertising

For residents in Castle Peak upscale district, you can distribute exquisite advertising pages (DM) and small gifts to car owners in the parking lot of nearby shopping places, and the single page can also be made into coupons.

● Advertising: love on the Road (slogan)

Grind my love into a cup of strong coffee, and slowly melt it into your heart with its fragrance.

The journey of love begins and spreads on the road.

Do you want to grind a cup of coffee for your beloved? Let love spread here on the way.

Make the above slogan into a beautiful billboard with 150cm high and 100cm wide and placed in front of the store.

(2) Service marketing

DIY because the coffee production process is more complex, before DIY, some professional, confidential work procedures can be made in advance by specialized staff. Customers carry out some simple programs under the guidance of professionals.

The tools needed in the ● production process, such as gloves, spoons, cups, etc., should be beautifully made and printed with road signs. The safety of customers must be ensured in the process.

The staff of ● operation must fully reflect the beauty of coffee production and give people a kind of enjoyment. Pay attention to some details, using body language to convey the beauty of coffee is not only in its taste, its production itself is also an art.

●, whether it's a coffee demonstration or a coffee DIY, there must be a certain period of time. Generally speaking, it is 3: 00 in the afternoon, 6: 00 in the afternoon, and 8: 00 in the evening.

● excluding brand factors, service for coffee consumers, is the most important. In order to do this, more humanized services are needed.

① establishes a membership card system. The name of the member is printed on the card, just like a bank card. The discount rate of membership card is not high, such as a 9.8% discount. But on the one hand, it can give consumers a sense of respect, on the other hand, it is also convenient for waiters to address consumers. Especially if the consumer is with someone else, and the waiter can call him (her) Mr. or Miss in public, they will feel very proud.

② personalized service.

Put some promotional materials on the table, the content is about coffee knowledge, stories, etc., on the one hand, it can improve the taste, set off the atmosphere, but also increase consumers' good impression of our brand.

A number of consumers who come together are equipped with special interpreters. If they are interested, you can introduce them to the name and origin of all kinds of coffee and other related knowledge. They can also visit the process of making some kind of coffee.