Coffee review

85 °C concept store

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, This concept store, decoration style is brighter, color selection, bold use of coffee, crimson walls, coupled with mirror material separation, highlighting the quiet and comfortable theme and depth; while the layout of the order area and the goods display area, shrinking counters, water bars and cabinets, enhancing the overall sense of space of the storefront; functionally, not only add more guest areas, but also break

This concept store, decoration style is brighter, color selection, bold use of coffee, dark red wall, with mirror material separation, highlighting the quiet and comfortable theme and depth; and the layout of the single area and goods display area, shrinking counters, water bars and cabinets, enhancing the overall sense of space of the store; In terms of function, not only more passenger areas are added, but also the original wooden seat furnishings are broken, sofas, coffee tables and other equipment are added to create a comfortable resting atmosphere.